True to the plan and on time, two crazy women travelers got to rendezvous this past Sunday after meeting each other just a handful of blogging months ago. The real Vagabonde, the one who is French but who has lived here in America for 49 years (coming over the Pond at age 21...so now you know how young she is!), still speaks with a delightful French accent. "Do you really think I have an accent?" she asked, every time I mentioned it with delight. I LOVE accents and hers is priceless. I looked at Nicholas and asked him if he thought she had an accent. He smiled his huge YES.
So now you know who took this picture: dear grandson Nicholas (9)! I was boysitting him over the weekend in Atlanta when mommy and step-dad were away. While the cats are gone, the mice will play! And we did. He was such a gentleman and took all of it in stride. Several times he said to me, "G'ma, I can tell you are really excited!" Don't we love what the little ones pick up!

Vagabonde is not comfortable with showing her face online, for privacy concerns, but she sure helped us be creative. Look at that hair! No, the curls aren't natural but they sure do look it, don't they. SHE is natural. If you had been with us, you'd have felt natural, too...just like long lost friends catching up on each other.
Now here's the fun part. Pay attention because it totally blew me away. We connected to each other via our blogs just as I was leaving Atlanta for Holland last December. We both lamented the fact that my leaving meant we couldn't meet up...but we knew the possibility would still be there some distant day whenever I returned for a visit. And all the time I assumed she had found me through sister Ruth's blog, since I had often seen her name there.
No No No. It was through Renny's blog in Norway that Vagabonde found me. Back in Novemeber he was celebrating his 4th blogging anniversary and mentioned that an anniversary called for special gifts of "link love." He then listed all the blogs from his blogroll (over 100!) and said, "Pick out at least one you don’t know, pay a visit and make a comment saying you’re from Renny to say hi." When Vagabonde saw my blog on the list and that I was from Georgia, she chose me to visit and commented. That started the friendship!
Don't you love it! This is what blogging is all about, as far as I'm concerned. Vagabonde explained to Nicholas what a vagabond is: a hobo, in some contexts, but otherwise one who travels all around. In that regard, I consider myself a vagabond, too. Add the red hair and perhaps we're even sisters from a past life??