Monday, April 05, 2010

It's a Small World After All

In a minute I'll get to the 'small world' part but first, Happy 2nd Easter Day (2e Paasdag). In Holland, there are two Christmas days, two Easter days and two Pentecost days; i.e. both days are federal holidays. So even though some shops may be open today, officially it's a holiday and Astrid is off work. It's a much-needed long weekend for her.

On the 1st Easter Day (yes, that's what they're called), yesterday, we took a nice walk around our citadel city where I was able to capture some of the first tulips of the year here. It wouldn't be very springlike or Dutch of me to NOT show you some tulips at this time of the in Holland!

Now to the 'small world' part. It's my turn again at Vision & Verb, a few days early from the last post because on Thursday, very early, we fly to England for our 5-day honeymoon. We had planned from the start to meet up with the other Musketeer in Stoke-on-Trent (near Liverpool), who will be our gracious hostess for the week. And then on Saturday we will meet up with the 3 Stooges in Stratford (think Shakespeare!) and others from our SC blogging family.

Please go to Vision & Verb to fill in the blanks of what that's all about. But it really IS a small world, after all!

On Wednesday afternoon, before we leave on vacation, I take a Dutch-language test to place me in a Dutch-learning course at our nearby Da Vinci College. I'm not sure I understand the test since I need to be in a beginner's course, but it's part of the drill, so I'll go. The offer, through the city hall, is that I will be able to take a 4/5-day morning course for 35 weeks at €15/month, instead of the €3-4,000 it would normally cost. Talk about a deal! It would NOT be available to me after I turn 65 in June, so I'm getting in under the wire. Lucky me.

More when we get back from England. In the meantime, enjoy Spring and don't forget to check out why it's a small world after all at Vision & Verb.


  1. Those spring flowers are luscious.

    I know you will enjoy your time in the UK with friends.

    Now I'm off to V & V . . .

  2. That picture of the flowers is a delight, those radiant colours do mean 'Spring is coming'.
    For me it will be a short week and so much fun going with you for the Dutch test, I am eager to see what they want to know from you
    .....and than off to the UK....England here we come.
    A wonderful post again.

  3. Have a great time in England – I am an anglophile since my first visit there, on my own, at 13 years of age – I think it is a wonderful country with so much to see and friendly people. The Da Vinci College may want you to take a test to see if you can read and how much comprehension you have. If this is a test for immigrants, they may think that some might not readily understand their way of teaching. As for tulips, bring them on as they say here. There are many types and colors of tulips and I count on you to show them often to us. Astrid and you will have much fun I am sure, enjoy yourselves like two kids.

  4. I hope you enjoy your honey moon and especially since you guys will be meeting up for some great photo moments! How much fun. Today is Easter monday in Canada as well and I at least have the day off, a much needed rest as well...

    I did capture some tulips and need to post a few of my favs from the local park..

    Beautiful pics!

  5. Offering the course to under 65s only is a bit of a reversal of the usual freebies for seniors! Maybe it's considered impossible to learn Dutch after that! :) I admire you for learning it, Ginnie. It sounds like such hard work to speak it - even for natives! Now I'll go and take a look at V&V too.

  6. Ruth: The flowers are now really starting to bloom...with daytime temps sometimes still in the 40s. The tree buds are big and ready to burst out, so we know spring is really here. Thanks for commenting again here!

    Astrid: The radiant colors, indeed. Thanks for encouraging me to keep them. :) This week is already cattywampus, now that it is Tuesday. We will be gone before we know it! Thanks.

    Vagabonde: England is one of the reasons why I love Europe so much, of course...and Ireland, too. It will be fun to be back in that neck of the woods, but a new location for me. I think the Da Vinci test is to make sure I'm in the right beginner's class...not with mid-easterners who hate they have to take the course. They HAVE to take it but because of my age, I am exempt. They want to put me in a classroom that won't hold me back. I appreciate that. And yes, we plan to go to Keukenhof in early May to see the "world" of tulips they have there!

    ET: Thank you. We are so looking forward to seeing/meeting our friends from over 3 years now. It will be very special. So glad you had an extra day off, too.

    Deborah: The language-learning course is actually prerequisite for immigrants under 65 BUT because I am so close to 65, I am exempt. However, I can get in under the wire, too, at their expense, so I really am lucky. I WANT to learn the language, so now is my chance. Supposedly it's one of the 5 hardest languages in the world.

  7. These back-lit tulips are a dream and partnered so well with the yellow in the foreground. My sister-in-law is getting married in a few weeks and she will use white Dutch tulips for her decorations.

    €15 per month for language lessons. What a bargain

    Enjoy your huwelijksreis!

  8. I'm so sorry I've been away from blog visiting! I hope you had or are having a wonderful honeymoon! I'm certain you did and I can't wait to see the photos you and Astrid collected.

  9. DB: White Dutch tulips would make a fabulous wedding flower. WOW! We had a great honeymoon, which I need to do a post on, I see. :)

    Mad: We're now back and are still re-living it. It was wonderful. Thanks.

  10. love the photo with the little wheeled toy...not a tricycle.
    what would it be? a quatracycle? :)

  11. You're right, Chasity...not a tricycle. Have no clue what they're called, especially with no pedals. :) Thanks for stopping by. I couldn't figure out how to leave another URL on your site??


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...