Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Dutch Birthday BBQ

Since we're already on a commercial break from the England trip, here's what happened last evening at my birthday celebration here in Gorinchem, NL, where we live.

When we found out on Facebook that our favorite café lunchroom was having a Dutch BBQ
on Friday the 13th for the first Dutch game of this year's World Cup,
I told Astrid that THAT'S where I wanted to go for my birthday
(instead of where she had planned to take me).
I had never experienced a real Dutch BBQ and it made sense to do it on this special game day!
She totally agreed.  De Malle Molen (= The Laughing Mill) it was.

Dress code, of course is ALWAYS orange for Dutch sports.
Astrid borrowed the neon-orange overalls she had given son Jeroen years ago.  HA!

Did you notice the menu up above in the first collage?  
We chose one of each, which meant we ended up with 5-7 different types of meat...each.
This is how the Dutch do it...and YOU grill it yourself.
(In case you're gasping, we did have enough left-overs for another meal at home later!)

After eating, our very special Malle Molen lady, José, got us even more ready for the game.
More Dutch you cannot get!

To our great surprise, another patron, Ferry, took pictures of us.
Oh, yes.  We get around!  :)

Even though ORANGE is the color of the day, the Dutch flag IS red, white and blue.
How's that for game spirit...rivaling any other place in the world, I might add.

I'll dance to that...especially when you're waiting for the game to start!
(We arrived at 6 p.m. and the game started at 9 p.m.)

The Dutch were NOT supposed to win this game with Spain,
the reigning world champion, but they did:  5-1.
This video is the reaction on the big screen after the first goal by the Dutch.
(Astrid says that's her whistling in the beginning.)

En dat was het.  And that was it.
My birthday celebration at a real Dutch BBQ with a World Cup win!
It doesn't get much better than that for a full-moon Friday the 13th.

Hup Holland Hup


  1. i'm so glad you had the birthday you wanted and a very orange one to boot lol looks like tons of fun!! thanks for the pics and the vids, and congrats on the win, they must have done it for your bday :)

    1. What a way to celebrate, right, Elaine?! Thanks for sharing it with me/us. :)

  2. The video didn’t work, but I can imagine the reaction of the crowd. Once again, happy, happy birthday.

    1. I'm not sure why the video didn't work for you, Ted, because it's working for me every time I try it. Hmmmm. At least you have an idea of the crowd reaction! Thanks.

  3. More Dutch you cannot get. This was a fabulous birthday and one to remember.
    What else do you need, good food, good company and a story to tell.....' do you remember your 69th birthday, th day that Holland beat Spain by 5-1, and we were there HA.....'
    A great job done with the fabulous pictures. IHVJ MLS.

    1. Oh yes, MLMA. A birthday never to forget! Thanks for making it such a great day in every way. Hup Holland Hup!

  4. definitely a different way to have a bbq restaurant. definitely a bonus on your birthday that the dutch team won. i was happy they did. i like upsets!

    1. Try anything my motto, Maria. HA! What a great birthfay memory, especially with the upset. So glad you could share it with me. :)

  5. A wonderful set of pictures. It was good to see The Netherlands playing proper football again!

    1. Thank you, Bill. Let's hope the Dutch can keep it up throughout the tournament.

  6. A big orange smile here for you and Astrid! Love those overalls, and all that meat! I think this will be a birthday to remember, wow.

    Best wishes to the Netherlands in the game against Australia coming up here in a couple of hours!!

    1. I think when Astrid bought those overalls for Jeroen, she also bought for herself, Ruth. HA! She says she enjoys being a lunatic. :)

      And yes, in another hour, after our Skype, we do plan to watch game 2 for the Dutch...against Australia. Astrid says the Dutch have NEVER beaten the Australians in a World Cup game, so we need to change that!

  7. Sorry I am so far behind but what a treat to see your celebration!! I know it was spectacular.

    1. I'd say you have every reason to be "behind," Donna. It was, indeed, a great celebration. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...