Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The "Nooit Gedagt" Windmill in Woudrichem, NL

You may remember that we who live in Gorinchem, NL, have a sister city across the Mervede river from us.  You can actually see their windmill and church from our side of the river.

It so happens the windmill has now become our favorite windmill of them all, not only because of it's educational factor (we plan to take all our guests there from this day forward!) but because it has every flour we'd ever want for Astrid's bread-making machine, as well as corn meal for my baking needs.

Woudrichem is just adorable.  There's no other way to put it.
With 14+K people, it's just the "sight rize."
We parked near the St. Martinus Reformed Church, built in the 15th-16th centuries.

From where we parked, the church was straight ahead and the windmill was off in the field to our right.
This is the Nooit Gedagt (Never Thought Of) grain mill from 1995.
The original mill from 1662 was destroyed during WWII.
It's the only Dutch mill with all 8 sides completely covered in brick.

Here it is up-close and personal with its Victor van Marseille gable stone.

Now, come inside and enjoy!  
You could spend a long time in the ground-floor shop, checking everything out.
But go upstairs to the first floor....

...and that's where the guys package up and store their stock.
It's the biggest grain-mill operation I've yet seen to date here in the Netherlands.

Next floor up (3rd, if you're counting) is where you can walk out onto the platform.
(Room for more storage, too.)

From that level you can inspect the wheel that operates the sails,
and look out over the lovely town and harbor.  It really is adorable.
(And that duck's nest is from 1531 mm away, as an FYI.)

One more floor up, the top floor, is where the gears are being turned by the outside sails.
It's so fun to see a mill in operation, so I decided to record it for you:

If you view this on your browser, you'll get more info,
but the passing shadow you see is from the rotating sails outside.
Dutch mills are run by wind power, NOT by electricity.

And that was that!
We took special note of the bunker café below the windmill, which wasn't yet open that day.
We'll have to try it out the next time we go.

We bought the flours we wanted to buy and got a few extra goodies thrown in.
And you wonder why I love this country so much???

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

By the way, did you miss me last week?  HA!  Well, I've been making a Blurb book of my 98 Vision & Verb posts.  It's done except for final proofs and edits.  Once I hit the Publish button, I'll see if I can upload it to my sidebar, so you can see it there.  I'll pick up my copy in Atlanta during our October annual trip.


  1. Love the video! You've captured some great perspectives that are not the norm. Great!

    1. Most of us aren't that familiar with windmills, Robin, if we haven't grown up around them. They still make my heart sing. :)

  2. More Dutch you cannot get and this close. We can go by ferry and it will be a day out :)
    I am looking forward in taking Nicholas to this mill, he will love it.
    Absolute wonderful pictures of Woudrichem. A little town I always love to visit.
    That windmill is a real treasure.

    1. I'm now thinking of EVERYONE we'll want to take because we already love the town and harbor. To add in the windmill is frosting on the cake. Nicholas will absolutely love it when he comes next year!

  3. Another fascinating post Ginnie, it's brilliant to see the mechanics of the windmill in action.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm always "short of eyes" around the windmills. They amaze me!

  4. Oh I am smitten with this lovely little spot and that windmill.

  5. charming. these small towns in netherlands are simply charming.

    1. You can say that again, Maria. I never tire of this beautiful country!

  6. The windmill is just fantastic! I can't wait to tour in person in 2016! And I hope Astrid will make us some bread, and you'll make something with corn meal. :)

    1. Oh, yes, Ruth. You will definitely see this windmill when you visit us. You will love this little town, so full of charm. It has a lot of everything, including a harbor with photo ops galore. I can hardly wait.

  7. A fascinating place to visit, and the bonus of purchasing flour too. I want you to take me on a tour of that lovely windmill!


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