Saturday, August 16, 2014

Vision and Verb: My Blurb Book

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is.  The deed is done.  And I must say, after working with Shutterfly in the past, I'm a very happy camper.  Of course, it's mostly text (98 posts with an image for each)...which is the main difference.

Make sure you view it on Full screen to see it as intended.  I've also added it to my sidebar with my other two (Shutterfly) photo books.  [I do not intend for anyone to BUY this book...way too expensive!  But I'd love for you to be able to see it, if you wish.]

I also purchased the PDF version, in case you want to download it.

For those of you who have followed me during the last 4-1/2 years of my visions and verbs, THANK YOU.  It's been quite the journey!


  1. Fabulous, more than fabulous. I have been sitting here and listening to all the work what was put into this book. First all the writing over the more than 4,5 years and than all the hours of editing all the posts into this fabulous book. Going back and forth to make it perfect. A treasure to have. I am so proud of you that you were able to do this grand project. You will never regret it. IHVJ.

    1. Thank you, MLMA. You're my biggest fan club, of course, so you know how much I appreciate your support. Thank you.

      I don't like how the digital version is not true to the original...mainly in the bold text being way too over-the-top. But I'm hoping the actual book will be "true." Apart from that, I'm happy. Thanks. :)

  2. I have only had a chance to flick through Ginnie but it looks like you have done a great job of putting this together. I will return for a proper look!

    1. Thank you, Bill. The digital version isn't exactly true to the real book, (the titles and dates are HUGE), but I'm glad it's finally done.

  3. So good to have a book version of all your writing and photos at that great blog! Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, dear sister. You've been in my fan club from the very beginning, which means the world to me.

  4. Ginny this is wonderful. I can't wait to catch up with your posts from V and V.

    1. You're kind, dear Donna, but of course you've already seen most of them already! Well, at least the ones from the last year or so, once you joined us. :)

  5. What a beautiful collection of your work. I read many of your posts at the time, but not all, so I’ll go back and look at them again. The finished product is very professional and you should be proud of it. It is good that now we can look at all these V and V posts knowing they won’t be soon gone.

    1. You're very kind, Vagabonde. I don't actually expect anyone to go back and read these posts, to be honest, but at least they can if they want to. HA! That's the fun of these virtual books.

  6. Replies
    1. That's sweet, Robin, but the virtual copy has taken a lot of the fun away for me. I hope the real copy is "true" to how the book was created!

  7. Wonderful Ginnie - what a lot of hard work has gone into this. A marvellous record.

    1. Thank you, Anne. It was hard but fun, joyful work. I LOVE making books, to be honest. I just wish the virtual book was true to the original, that's all!

  8. would love to dwnld the pdf version. way to go.

    1. Thanks, Maria. It's all yours. :) But it has the same issue with the huge bold titles and dates, which are NOT in the original. I've written the Help Desk to ask about it.

  9. Wow Ginnie!! It is wonderful and browsing back through your posts, some of them brought tears to my eyes.

    The Vision and Verb journey was a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed our journeys in that space.

    That journey led to us meeting up (not forgetting Astrid and SC friends). My life is much richer for that.

    1. Oh, yes, Cherry, and thank you. Meeting you (how many times now...three?) because of V&V was one of its greatest gifts to me. I also met Dutch Petra, Robin, Catherine and Carola. I'm one of the lucky ones!


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