Thursday, November 05, 2015

Het Lingebos in Nearby Vuren, NL

You wouldn't know that behind the scenes I am full-throttle ahead on getting posts done on our recent annual trip to Atlanta.  But, you know, sometimes you have to clear the way first....

So before I show you the incredible Oakland Cemetery in downtown Atlanta, I want you to see what we came back to last week.  Astrid says she can't remember when the autumnal colors here where we live were this brilliant.  She says it was the right combination of warmer weather and less rain that made it happen.

Watch and be astounded again by the hand of Mother Earth.

Each week we ask, "Where are we going to eat this Saturday?"
It's my treat, every Saturday of the year, to have lunch out somewhere.  Out.  Away.
Because of the incredible colors, Astrid suggested we go to the pannenkoek restaurant 
in Het Lingebos...the wee forest in nearby Vuren, less than 6 km away.

We parked at the edge of the forest and walked 45 minutes through it to the restaurant,
and then back again to the car.

OMG.  This is exactly what our body-soul-spirits needed.
THIS is why I still live here...if for no other reason!

We had eaten once before at this restaurant in the woods, but years ago with Jeroen and Eva.
I had totally forgotten what it looked like, inside and out.

I even forgot to take a photo of the pannenkoek before it was all but gobbled up.
But you get the idea.
That pot of stroop, btw, is a Dutch pancake staple (even though we don't use it).
It's like molasses!  Good for what ails you.

Walking back to the car, our eyes were again wide open.
Even the cows way back near the highway, in the dazzling sunlight, were happy.

We ALL were happy, soaking it up like there's no tomorrow.

And it's right at our fingertips.
Yes, I'm home!


  1. OMG .. the light!! The restaurant! The trees! Pure heaven.

  2. It was a fabulous day for a walk. Everything on that day was great. I know you love all this and everything is so close by. I know a wish is 'snow'.... I promise, with the first snow we will do the walk again and we go eat 'een pannenkoek'....
    Fabulous pictures, the light and the colours are indeed brilliant.

    1. It amazes me that it took this long to "discover" this place again! We will definitely go back, especially if it snows!!! Thank you.

  3. Your post looks so relaxing it makes me feel relaxed. :)

    1. Isn't it wonderful how photos can do that to/for us, Tim!

  4. Truly beautiful photos. Looks like it was a wonderful day.

    1. It's through images like this, dear Amy, that you can see why this has become "home" for me. Everything is within easy reach and we can WALK! Thank you for looking and commenting, again.

  5. Gosh...Mother Earth...she is SO AMAZING! All beautiful...and can't wait to see snow pics one day from this place! Can't wait to see the cemetery pics too! xo

    1. Astrid says we're supposed to have a harder winter than usual, Robin, so I'm really crossing my fingers for lots of snow this year. What a nice change that would be for us here.

  6. A lovely autumnal post; we too have been seeing some lovely colours, though gale force winds and heavy rain are now putting pay to it all alas.

    1. We had that one weekend, Anne, after returning from America, and now we, too, are getting the rainy weather. One week is better than nothing!

  7. Such a nice place and what a wonderful walk. I can feel the autumnal softness in your photos... it couldn't be more real!

    1. I have a feeling there are people all over Europe and the Western Hemisphere eating up this autumnal glory as we speak, Petra. The peak may be gone by now, but I love even the wet leaves fallen on the ground.

  8. Ah now I feel more at home on the ground surrounded by nature....stunning views Ginnie!


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