Thursday, March 02, 2017

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: February 2017

Because February is the shortest month of the year, usually by 2-3 days, it does seem to fly by faster, doesn't it.  All that much faster for SPRING to come!

So, here are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for February 2017:

February 5 (photo manipulation):
"Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change."
--Thomas Hardy

[Today Astrid and I celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.]

February 12 (photo manipulation):
"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship."
--Louisa May Alcott

February 19 (photo manipulation):
"Three things cannot be long hidden:  the sun, the moon, and the truth."

February 26 (photo manipulation):
"He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea."
--Thomas Fuller

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for February 2017:

(finished on 27 January 2017, posted on FB 4 February 2017)
The minute I started this Color Me Fearless design, I saw a Native American warrior shield.
I post it today for all our Native American friends everywhere who are still trying to protect their sacred grounds
from those who have the power to desecrate them.
Will we ever get it right, for once?

(finished on 31 December 2016, posted on FB 11 February 2017)
This is for those of you who celebrate Valentine's Day this next week, 
assuming you can find a lovey-dovey heart in this design from my mini-mandala book (6 x 6).
The annual tradition HAS jumped the Big Pond but isn't quite the spectacle it is in America.
Because our wedding anniversary is 5 February, THAT'S the date we celebrate.
Besides, it bothers the heck out of Astrid that some of these American traditions jump over
for commercial reasons.  She did NOT grow up with Valentine's Day.

(finished on 21 December 2016, posted on FB 18 February 2017)
Sometimes we see a clear pattern to "things."
Sometimes, if our eyes are blurred by circumstances, it all seems quite fuzzy...
however "colorful," if you get my drift.
(from my 5 x 7 Mindfulness book)

(finished on 15 February 2017, posted on FB 25 February 2017)
This is one of those times when the black bits were part of the design (i.e. not colored by me).
(from my Art Deco book)

And now...SPRING is almost here!


  1. Beautiful work. I especially love the watercolour.

    1. Thank you, Marie. I have always loved watercolor paintings and would have chosen to learn how to do them in "one of my lives." I guess the next best thing for me was photo manipulation with a watercolor app! Who knew.

  2. Every time you post these watercolours and Saturday's colour I am surprised by the diversity of them. I love them and to me it is so fun that with 'one click' you can change things... Fun to do, I know and un to see the outcome. I hope you will keep up for many more years...IHVJ.

  3. You're the one who gets to see the actual DOING of these, Astrid, and so you know the great pleasure it gives me. THANK YOU for being my biggest fan club. :)

  4. Yes, these are all quite different this time (coloring). I wonder if you meditate on something while doing them?

    1. I try to mix up my coloring books/designs all the time, Ruth, not only for FB but for me, for the challenge. And, yes, if the TV isn't on for news, I quietly meditate while coloring...on whatever comes to mind! I LOVE it.

  5. Une série très variée et colorée qui est en même temps originale.

    1. Those who follow me on Facebook already have seen these images, Marie, but I like putting them altogether into one post for the month. Thank you for stopping by to visit again. You have made my day.

  6. I love that clockwork, all the colours and details in the watercolour processing look sooo appealing... and I also love the accompanying quote.

    I understand how Astrid might feel about the Valentine's Day. I also did not grow up with it and the imported festivities seem to be just commercial to me. There might have been a good idea at the beginning and it may be alive in the USA up to now but it was not successfully imported along with the goods.

    1. It's always fun to see what particular images stand out to different observers, Petra, so thank you for that.

      You and Astrid are on the same page about Valentine's Day, for sure!

  7. did i even KNOW about youtooz' wedding anniversary?? or have i already forgotten wishing you well? i hope my essential oils will help my memory :)

    all the pictures in this post are lovely! and i loved the Thomas Hardy quote, but i'm a big HUGE fan of Tess of the D'ubervilles which i read over a dozen times when i was a teenager!

    1. Every year, February 5th, yes, is our anniversary, Elaine. It's hard to believe it's been 7 years! I'll have to find a Tess of the D'ubervilles quote for you one day....

  8. I always look forward to this posting and I'm usually drawn to the coloring ones. But this time it's the moon and that quote. Just takes my breath away! Wonderful!

    1. I think the moon was a hit for Astrid, too, Robin, and to think I almost didn't post it. Thank you for your vote of confidence, which means the world to me.

  9. Like the different colours in each wheel (first picture)

    1. Thank you, Marie. There are so many Marie's that stop by here. I wonder which one you are???

  10. Agree with what Thomas Fuller said, and like that photo manipulation.

    1. Thank you kindly, Haddock, for stopping by and commenting here.

  11. Loved the quotes. The time piece was interesting. Great post. I enjoyed reading. Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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