Thursday, June 29, 2017

CORNWALL 2017: The Boscastle Fishing Port

Here's one last fishing port from this year's Cornwall visit...which happened to be on the way home from our Tintagel visit to the legendary birthplace of King Arthur (remember?).

So, here we go again, to get our bearings.
The distance from Tintagel to Boscastle is 3.6 miles.
From Boscastle to the St. Austell home base is 28 miles.
As you see, Cornwall is not that big, even though driving around is not like in America.

This is the entrance view to Boscastle, the wee village on the inlet from the Atlantic Ocean.

Here's a fabulous image from Christoper Lethbridge on Wiki.
It shows the 2 protective stone harbor walls built by Sir Richard Grenville in 1584.
This is important because it shows the back of what we saw, from the Atlantic Ocean side.

But first, it so happens that Boscastle is home to the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic since 1951.
"It houses exhibits devoted to folk magic, ceremonial magic, Freemasonry, and Wicca,
with its collection of such objects having been described as the largest in the world."

And, NO, we did not visit it...because it was at the end of our busy day
and we were there only to see the harbor.

And guess what!  It was at low tide, of course!
We chose to walk along the right side on the ledge towards the sea...and were not alone.
You can see the two protective stone walls in the harbor.

I was immediately side-tracked by the abundant slate and the flowers growing in/on it.

THAT slate, both coming and going.

As soon as we got to the  first harbor wall, however, my attention turned to the beached boats.
They looked like toys from our side of the inlet.

On this side, the 2nd harbor wall was the end of our walk,
even though others found a way to climb up onto the ridge above.

Walking back the same way we walked in gave us plenty to see.

Astrid climbed down to the water's bed to beachcomb,
while Pauline sunbathed and I found my own goodies nearby.

You know how they say you should always look backwards as well as forwards on your walks
 because of the views.  We got that opportunity simply by walking back the way we came in.

Don't be fooled by this low-water view at low tide.
In August 2004 there was a flash flood that washed 75 cars, 5 caravans, 6 buildings and several boats to sea.  "Approximately 100 homes and businesses were destroyed, and some had to be demolished; trees were uprooted and debris were scattered over a large area."
150 people clinging to trees and rooftops were rescued, without major injuries or loss of life.
The estimated cost of damage was £15 million.

What we saw, of course, was so calm, cool and collected...on another gorgeous day.
If we ever go back, we'll walk on the left side and see another world altogether, I'm sure.


  1. Oh man, these posts about the Cornwall area really gets to me. And there's a museum of witchcraft and magic too? Really going to work really hard on planning a UK trip.

    1. Cornwall is a place I would want to see every square inch of, Maria, if we lived nearby. Totally worth the time and energy...and money!

  2. Ce nouveau petit tour en Cornouailles m'a fait plaisir et détendue. Je n'étais pas passée depuis quelques jours car il me fallait reconstruire mes deux sites photo et poésie et tout cela prend du temps. Bonne soirée Ginnie et merci du partage

    1. I know you've been busy fixing up your new sites, Marie, so I feel honored that you have stopped by. Thank you.

  3. All quite fascinating. Wow about the flood!

    Lovely photos!

    1. Thank you, Ruth. And yes, about the flood: WOW, indeed.

  4. It is hard to imagine the destruction you describe whilst looking at this peaceful setting. Beautiful place!

  5. such lovely pictures, and the flowers growing out of the slate seems like a metaphor for life, and touched my heart :) the flash flood shocked me, glad you weren't there for one of THOSE!!

    1. "Metaphor for life," indeed, Elaine. I like that. Thinking of a flood in that closed-in area really is horrifying. I can see how it could happen with way too much rain. (sigh)

  6. Gee, they’ve even got you saying, “wee village.” It all reminds me of Maine, but I know the roads are unlike anything in Maine and recall going through in the big, red car we rented, always afraid of scraping the “stone hedges" on one side and the line of cars on the other. Too many people. I hope it was better when you were there. Never got to Boscastle. Is there a castle in Boscastle? Just love the names! Better views on the walk back, I think.

    You will be interested to know that my photography has taken me into understanding the Puritan culture all around, and I am now more ready than ever to take you through all the wonderful, old Congregational churches, and I know the stories that tie them all together. I’ve concluded that prejudice against immigrants in the U.S. began with the second generation after Plymouth Rock when these churches had to begin picking and choosing who was good enough to join the church and vote in town affairs.

    1. I have a feeling I say a lot of things the British way, Ted, but I think that goes way back for me...not sure how/why, however. Anyway, this is what Wiki says: "The name of the village comes from Botreaux Castle (pronounced "But'ry"),[3] a 12th-century motte-and-bailey fortress, of which few remains survive. The castle was anciently in the possession of the de Botreaux family, which became under William de Botereaux (1337–91) the Barons Botreaux." So, now we both know.

      We are so ready to see your neck of the woods and whatever it is you want to show us!!!

  7. This was a very interesting visit. The tide going out, the long walk along the almost river-bed and then all the sleight. Very fascinating like it was poured out some giant pitcher and it slowly got solid. The flowers that are able to grow in-between the cracks. The beached boats and the many shells I found. The pictures show that we again saw something special. We are very fortunate to have friend that want to show us around in their beautiful 'neck of the woods'...(no wood to be seen though HA) instead we saw lots of water and beached boats, that to me is 'gold'... another memory to keep. IHVJ

    1. I couldn't have said it better, Astrid. We are so very fortunate to have these special friends...and memories.

  8. Oh my gosh...Cornwall just keeps getting better and better. This area is fantastic! And I would have to go to the museum! (love Astrid's comments.)

    1. There are so many things we would have done on our own, Robin, if we were not with friends who were carting us around (with chickens needing to be to fed at home!). So, yes, we would have loved to see the museum. And YES about that Astrid, who continues to tickle me to death.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...