Friday, September 01, 2017

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: August 2017

Surely I've mentioned before that once we hit September on the calendar, I feel like we're running downhill into the new year!  Indeed.

But this post is for August, so here are my Watercolor Sundays on Facebook:

August 6 (photo manipulation):
"Promise me you'll always remember:  You're braver than you believe,
and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." 
(Christopher Robin to Pooh) --A.A. Milne

August 13 (photo manipulation):
"August is a gentle reminder for not doing a single thing from your new year resolution
for seven months and not doing it for the next five."  --Crestless Wave

"August rain:  the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born.
The odd uneven time."  --Sylvia Plath

August 20 (photo manipulation):
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
--Warren Buffet

August 27 (photo manipulation):
"When summer gathers up her robes of glory,
And, like a dream, glides away."  --Sarah Helen Whitman

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for August:

(finished on 2 June 2017, posted on FB 5 August 2017)
Of all the designs I've ever colored, this was by far the most labor-intensive,
taking me 2 full weeks and 3 weekends.  I should have kept track of the hours.
Let's just say I felt I had sewn a quilt by the time I was done.  :)
(from my Mind Body Zen book)

(finished on 10 March 2013, posted on FB 12 August 2017)
This Viking Colouring Book design always makes me laugh,
not only because it's called a "pair of gripping beasts," but because of the "eyes" at the top.
Wouldn't you love this as a clock/watch face?  :)

(finished on 6 December 2015, posted on FB 19 August 2017)
From my Celtic Stained lass Coloring Book, everything black you see 
is part of the black-background page and not colored by me.
This is the book that uses translucent paper for its designs.

(finished on 24 July 2017, posted on FB 26 August 2017)
Trying out new color combinations from my Kaleido Color book,
on black-background paper.

Now join me as we slide down the hill towards the holidays and another new year!


  1. i loooove the lady bug and the horsey! and of course the A.A. Milne quote lol tho it reminds me of 'they are weak but He is strong, yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so lalala' and of course that very telling and cryptic scripture that Jesus says 'for without Me you can do NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' lol (emphasis mine :P)

    1. And I love it when followers tell me what images are their favorites, so thanks for that, Elaine. We can get so much inspiration from everywhere, can't we!

  2. Love the horse especially. Happy September to you both!

  3. J'aime beaucoup les 2 premières avec ce traitement façon aquarelle. Bon week-end Ginnie

    1. Merci, Marie. I have so much fun with these photo manipulations. The tools at hand are so impressive, aren't they.

  4. I am finding out more and more how much I love BLACK in your designs, in art, and in quilts!

  5. I love these posts for all the variety that is shows. I like the GreenMan and I do love the Celtics designs and all what is done on the black background.
    There is no limit to having fun with what you do. IHVJ.

    1. You know how much I feel "in heaven" when doing both of these creative ventures, Astrid. YOU are the one who sees it, and I thank you for how supportive you are along the way!

  6. I always scan the images before I read any words to see what jumps out! And most definitely the last one was the winner for me...and then after more review...well I'm really liking that first one too! OK, so the first and last are my favorites! Who says you can't have TWO! xo

    1. It's always a joy for me to see what others like most, Robin, so THANK YOU. And who says you can't have two, exactly!!! :)


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