Tuesday, October 10, 2017

An Autumn Break

As most of you know by now, this is the time of year when Astrid and I fly back to America to be with family and friends.  We leave early tomorrow and return on Wednesday, 1 November, three weeks later.

While we're gone, I'll leave you with some images from two of my recent citadel walks from where we live here in Gorinchem, NL.  It really IS autumn!

This is the collage I posted on Facebook after my September 20th walk.
Okay, not technically autumn yet, but who cares!

From my collage posts, I love picking out a few images for my Shutterchance photoblog.
How can you resist the little children leading us!

See how easy it is to dramatize an image?!
Sometimes I "see" it in my mind's eye and just have to play around with it.

The next week, September 27th, was a foggy day, which I love.

The Nooit Volmaakt windmill is just two blocks from our back door.
The sun was trying to burn through the fog.

Then I saw the first of Erik Buijs' 7" mini-sculptures along the citadel path.
It's the one of a man playing "fetch" with his dog.

In fact, the top image is from March where you can see the full view on its 5-ft pole.
Not that I've seen the series but, up close, he reminds me of The Walking Dead!

Our other Gorinchem windmill is De Hoop (The Hope), standing as a sentry midst "foggy" times.
When I posted this on Facebook last week, it felt appropriate after the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Just past the windmill is our Dalempoort, through which you look out to the Merwede river.
On a foggy day it felt so magical.

Today on FB I have posted this collage as a Good-Bye to all my lovelies where we live.
When we return on 1 November, I'm sure there will be many autumnal changes.

We'll spend our first week in Connecticut with friends Ted and Jane.
Then we'll have time with the kids in Atlanta, followed by Bob and Peggy south of Atlanta,
and then the North Georgia cabin in the mountains with the kids before flying home.
For those of you who follow us on FB, we'll try to keep you updated there.

We LOVE this time of the year!


  1. i published a comment, but a weird thing came up asking me if i wanted to pass my wordpress identity on to draft.blogger.com and i said yes, and it ate my comment

    so just have a good time, ok? i'll miss you!

    1. I hate when weird things like that happen, Elaine. So sorry. But thanks for the comment anyway. We're always excited about this trip every year!

  2. I love all the photos, especially the foggy windmill ones. Great photos here, Ginnie.

    Hope you both have a wonderful vacation!

    1. Thanks a million, Marie. So much to love about this time of the year!

  3. The autumn is a magnificent season of which it is necessary to know how to take advantage before the winter does not congeal everything on our passage during a few months. The colors of your series are very beautiful as well as the shown places. I like very much light and colors of the photo 9. Have a good evening

    1. Merci, Marie. ALL of this is why autumn is my favorite time of the year!

  4. What isn't to love about all these photos? Fog, red, autumn, spiderwebs with dewdrops, and your wonderful surroundings there in Gorinchem. I love your home.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. You have no idea how glad I am that you have been here to see some of it with your own eyes.

  5. We are so lucky that we live in Gorinchem, this little city has so much beauty and is every day different. It does not matter if it rains or snows... or even the sun is out... or fog, like you showed.
    I love ti that you had these wonderful walks and could capture the beauty. IHVJ.

    1. How many times have we both said we LOVE where we live! It's so true. There's no other place I'd rather live. Thank you for your part in making this a dream place to live!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Anne. We did! Now we're back home and I'm trying to catch up. HA!

  7. How fortunate to live in such beauty!! Enjoy your trip...I always think around this time of year how much fun we had during your visit to my city, NYC! SAFE TRAVELS!

    1. I love that we both love where we live, Robin, and that we have shared both places with each other. In that regard, we are most fortunate. We will NEVER forget that time we had with you a few years back, both here and there.

  8. I hope you have a great time :-)

    You have left us with such beautiful images :-)

    1. Thank you, Cherry. We DID have a great time...and are now back trying to get settled in after our 3 weeks away!

  9. Work is eating up all of my time lately, so I cannot visit as often as I like. Thank heavens for Facebook I get to see you in "real time". Enjoy the short break!

    1. Thank you, Maria, for staying in touch, in spite of being so busy. Thank heavens for Facebook, indeed!

  10. While you enjoy your travelling, Ginnie, I enjoyed your autumnal artistic post and I noticed on your sidebar that you finally created a book on weather vanes, that's my next stop! Wishing both of you safe travels!

    1. Thank you, dear Petra. On the first leg of our trip I got to see my weathervane book in hard cover, up close and personal. I must say that I am really happy with how it came out...even better than I expected.


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