Thursday, November 16, 2017

AMERICA 2017: The Overview with Bob and Peggy in GA

Remember that I said our October trip to America was in three basic parts, of which I shared the first week with Ted and Jane in Connecticut last post.  This week I'm sharing our shorter time with Bob and Peggy, from late Sunday to early Thursday in the middle of the following two weeks.  In other words, only 3 full days.

What Astrid and I posted on Facebook was short and sweet but I'm also filling in some of the blanks:

That Monday we drove approximately 60 miles to Warm Springs, GA,
to visit Franklin D. Roosevelt's Little White House and museum.
(FB post)

FDR was the 32nd President of the USA, from 1933 to his death in 1945 (my birth year).
Because of his polio at age 39, he found the warm springs in GA therapeutic,
after which he founded the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in 1938,
leading to the development of polio vaccines.
Even though I had non-paralytic polio 7 years later, I feel I owe much to him!

For those of you wondering, Franklin was the 5th cousin of Teddy Roosevelt,
the 26th President of the USA, from 1901-1909. 

Later that afternoon we drove the short distance from Warm Springs to Pine Mountain, GA,
to spend the rest of the day, an overnight, and the following day at Callaway Gardens.
(FB post)

I had visited the gardens way back when Bill and I were married and took my mom and dad there.
That was eons ago but I have no clue when (after we moved to GA in 1987?).
The memory hung on long enough to make me want to go back and have Astrid see it with me.

What I most remembered about the place was the Butterfly Center,
so that late afternoon, after getting settled in our hotel, we went there first.
And now you see Bob and Peggy waiting patiently while we took photos.

Here's what Astrid put up on FB...and she nailed it.

Since coming back home, I've found a few of my own.
And yes, the two top-left are "doing it."  :)

Look what Bob captured!  Don't you wonder what the butterfly was thinking?!

After the Butterfly Center, we drove to the Chapel and the stream nearby.
Too bad for us, the chapel wasn't open, but we enjoyed the environment.

We then went back to the hotel to eat Peggy's picnic supper before calling it a day.

For breakfast the next day we had a Southern Georgia spread to which we couldn't say NO.

Then it was back to exploring.
We had seen the log cabin on arrival but this time stopped to check it out.

Then it was back to the gardens where butterflies were plentiful outside...

as were the bees, making us very happy campers.
Thank God for the butterflies and bees!  We need them.

Even though it was off-season in October, there was plenty to see of the gardens.
There was no way to be disappointed.

Our last hurrah before driving back home was the Birds of Prey show.
Well worth the time and energy as well as a nice good-bye.

Back at Bob and Peggy's the next day, Astrid and I took a walk-about, as we do each year.
(FB post)
Oh, and a last day of relaxing with good friends and food!

THANK YOU, Bob and Peggy (and Roscoe), for making these times so special each year.
So, where will we visit with you the next time!


  1. We spend some wonderful time with Bob and Peggy. Going to Warm Springs gave me some education on Franklin Roosevelt. He is known for things like the four Freedoms: Speech, Worship, from want and from fear. He also made the 40 hours workweek. The Salkvaccin (against polio) was found because of him. The Callaway gardens were just a delight. What an amazing place to walk around and find peace and quiet. The butterflies were a highlight, so were the flying prey-animals. Another memory added. Fabulous pictures to show how we spend our time. IHVJ.

    1. I also really got my education at Warm Springs, Astrid. And that reminds me that I want to continue reading the book I bought on Eleanor, Franklin's wife. The Salk vaccine was created the year I had polio, 1954. It clearly changed the world from that point on!

      Callaway Gardens is a real treat. Just think of everything we DIDN'T see, which means we could go back one day. HA!

  2. Nature is quite beautiful, isn't she? You've shown us that. I didn't realize you spent the night at the Gardens! Fun.

    1. Mother Nature has her way, in spite of all our idiocy, Ruth! Callaway Gardens is a place to see what can happen when you take care of Her.

  3. Beautiful photos! So much covered. The butterflies...speechless!

    1. You could spend a LONG time at Callaway Gardens and still not have seen everything, Marie. Definitely a place of awe and wonder.

  4. i don't like things that fly near me haha i even screamed when a hummingbird flew up to me, and i LOVE humming birds, one of my fave things... and let's face it, some of those butterflies looked like MOTHS lol and you KNOW how i feel about moths lolol

    i really really love the chapel and would love to live in it, over looking that water... seems just a perfect spot, and reminds me of the movie 'an affair to remember'... the grandmother had a chapel, remember?

    anyway, thanks for sharing your journey so beautifully!

    1. You've just reminded me that a butterfly landed on my head and Bob took a video of it, which I will now add to my post. HA! Trust me. The flying things like that really don't want to harm you. :)

  5. Those butterflies are amazing, and of course I love the birds of prey. They are fascinating birds. It seems that you had a good time in GA.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Carola. You'd love Callaway Gardens. So much to see.

  6. It’s good to get more of the trip. Have you ever wondered if Roosevelt’s polio added to his capacity for compassion? I’d like to think so.

    1. No doubt about it whatsoever, Ted, especially since it took him into the deep south!


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