Friday, March 09, 2018

Venice 2017: The Accademia Walk

So, do you really want to know why this wasn't posted yesterday (my normal Thursday posting)?????  (** see below if you really want to know)

Believe it or not, I've always known I'd go back to our Venice trip from a year ago, simply because I hadn't finished it.  Maybe I just needed to move on from it then.  But now that I have the time, I'm inspired again by that place.

On our 3rd day, Sunday, March 26, we took the Accademia walk in our tour book,
starting at the Rialto Bridge at the top down to the Accademia Bridge to the south (red dots).

On Facebook back then I showed this collage.
The Rialto Bridge is top-left.  The Accademia Bridge is bottom-right.

I also showed this collage on Facebook, adding to the "humanity" of the place.

This is what I posted today on Shutterchance, at the Rialto Bridge.
How can you not love Venice!

Facebook?  That may be another story for some of you, right?

Accademia itself is an art gallery, founded in 1750 and moved in 1807 to its present location.
When most tourists hear Accademia, they think art.
But Astrid and I were there on the walk to see everything else except the museum.

Like graffiti, for instance, which is its own art, right?

That particular walk offered up a feast of gable stones.
The Dutch have their own version of such stones, as you know, but these, too, fascinate me.

Sometimes I isolate a particular image for my Shutterchance blog.  That's fun for me.

But see what I mean?  
I'm sure every single one tells a story.

Look at Astrid, straddling one of the alleys.
THIS is the Accademia area.

Full of its own art everywhere you look.

Of course, you could say that's true of ALL of Venice!

But that little boy (above) with his camera, in particular, stole my heart.

Art in all its many forms!

There was so much more, including some of the buildings and churches of the area,
maybe for another day/post.

When we finished the walk, we took the time to hop on a vaporetto to nearby Piazza San Marco.
But that deserves a post all on its own!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

**  Suffice it to say, yesterday I lost an entire folder of images (including everything I processed and their collages!) for this 3rd day of our Venice trip.  LOST.  As in not to be found anywhere (apart from paying for them to be recovered, which I'm too cheap to do).  The FOLDER was NOT lost/moved.  Just the images in it.  A total mystery.

The good news is that I have a backup of all the original photos on another external hard drive, as well as on Picasa.  But it took me till today to figure out that I could refresh my images on Picasa (something it usually does automatically) to find the processed images and collages.  Then it was a matter of getting them back into the (empty) folder for this post.  (sigh)

Oh well, live and learn.  Next time I will back up the processed images to my other hard drive immediately after each folder is done!


  1. I lost everything on Cloud last year. Now everything is backed up besides on Cloud.

    I always love the detais you see, Ginne!

    1. Technology is one of those things we can't live with and can't live without, Marie. But in spit of all the "issues" we have, I'm guessing we're all glad for it, learning as we go. (sigh) Thanks for your comment!

  2. I am so glad that you could recover them and I know it took a long time and effort to make this post. It is well worth it. I love all the details and it brings back great memories. It was a wonderful trip we made. Thank you. IHVJ.

    1. Those were some stressful moments, Astrid, but I did manage to stay calm, cool and collected. It remains a mystery but I'm glad Picasa came to my rescue. Too many good memories to lose!

  3. Ugh about the lost photos! Been there.

    You have so many great collections, and Venice was a brilliant source!

    1. Remember the "Jesus Saves" joke when we were first getting used to the Internet? HA! I can't totally remember how it went but I recall it always made us laugh about the importance of saving everything we did (before it became automatic). But yes, I think we've all had our "mysteries." I have a feeling there's a special Black Hole out there that contains all of them! :)

      Thank you, as always, Ruth, for following these "collections."

  4. I think we've all been there at some point or the other! And often we have to have one of those episodes that makes us never want to repeat it again, ha! Always enjoying seeing Venice!

    1. I don't recall another one ever being this mystifying, Robin. It still blows my mind. I told Ruth that there's probably a Black Hole out there that holds all of them! :)

      Thanks for following my escapades...wherever they take me/us!

  5. Oh dear, Ginnie
    I discovered a long time ago that my computer (which ever desktop PC that actually sits on my desktop!) likes to play games with me. It let me pick an image for editing/processing and when its done and I click save the computer decides where it wants to save it to. I reckon if sometimes spend more time search for images, that actually work with them. Totally frustrating. So I had to have a smile at your trials and tribulations with an emtpy folder. Sorry for being mean, but it made me feel that I was not the only one with a naughty intelligence sitting on my desk working against me.

    1. Actually, Sheila, I can gratefully say I do NOT experience what you have just described. That would totally freak me out! I have a tried and true system that works for me with rarely ever any issues, so when this happened, it totally took me off guard. I am still mystified! HA! But thankfully it was just this one folder.....

  6. Ah, I can look at posts on Venice all the time.


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