Thursday, March 01, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: February 2018

It helps when you have a really short month to make the time fly even faster, right?  It also helps to have two weeks of Winter Olympics!  Did you know that the USA won only 3 more overall medals than the Netherlands????  23-20.  That's really saying something about this wee country (whose children are born on skates, as you know by now).

Anyway, I digress.

My Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for February 2018:

February 4 (photo manipulation)
"People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy."
--Anton Chekhov

February 11 (photo manipulation)
"You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall."
--George Strait

February 18 (photo manipulation)
"I think the way to become the best is to just have fun."
--Shaun White, American Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding 2006, 2010, and 2018.

February 25 (photo manipulation)
"If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us!
But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern,
which shines only on the waves behind us!"
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for February 2018:

(finished on 22 January 2018, posted on FB 3 February 2018)
This Vintage Patterns design (on black-background paper) reminds me of my maternal grandmother,
Olive Nelson Bennett, who designed wallpaper for a ritzy company in New York City back in her day.
[Sister, Ruth Hart Mowry, says the wallpaper company was Thibaut, the oldest American
wallpaper company, established 1886.  I have a feeling I owe a LOT to her!]

(finished on 20 August 2017, posted on FB 10 February 2018)
Did you watch the opening ceremony of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games?
OMG!  How awesome and spectacular.  
I saw the Olympic Rings all over this Techellations design.
"The Olympic flag has a white background, with five interlaced rings in the centre:
blue, yellow, black, green and red.
The design is symbolic; it represents the five continents of the world, united by Olympism,
while the six colours are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time."

(finished on 13 February 2018, posted on FB 17 February 2018)
So, what do you see!
We're now midway through the 2018 Winter Olympics.
Did you know that there are 38 countries (out of 195) that have a tricolor red, white and blue flag?
You can see the Dutch and French flags here, which are always easy to confuse.
(from my Mindfulness book)

(finished on 16 December 2017, posted on FB 24 February 2018)
We're getting ready to break our coldest record ever for this time of the year here where we live
in the Netherlands (at the same time that we're seeing many signs of spring.)
The canals may even freeze again, finally, for ice skating (and not just at the Olympics!).
(from my Kaleido Color book)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Actually, on that last note, while it's been cold enough, the ice is NOT good for skating because of the winds that have rendered it unsafe...with patches that are too thin next to patches thick enough.  One man has already died from falling through the ice (age 75) and 4 kids also have fallen through.  I learn every day so much from Astrid about these things!


  1. I always enjoy your monthy colors! My favourite is the mittens this month!

    1. So sweet of you, Marie. Thanks. It's always fun to see what the favorites are, even though I don't expect it. :)

  2. Beauty beauty beauty!

    I love the quote about the way to being the best is to have fun! It resonates for me with quilting! When I worry about other things like following someone else, copying someone else, etc., the results are not nearly as good.

    1. Oh, Ruth. I love that that quote resonates with you because it does with me, too. To have fun and joy in our creativity is the way to go in these our sunset years, don't you think?! We've paid our dues!

  3. I love your Saturday's colour and watercolour Sundays. My deinite favourites are Saturday 3rd Feb (those colours are so exciting really hum) and Sunday18th Feb (great fun and look so colourful and snowy).

    1. You're a sweetheart, Sheila, to comment like this, for which I thank you. It IS fun to see what people pick as their favorites. :)

  4. my fave was the very first one!! the water colour of the horses at the gate, looking at you, hoping you will come and pet them.... did you? xoxox

    1. I don't recall that we went out to the horses, Elaine, but we sure enjoyed seeing them from the window while we were eating breakfast at the B$B where we were staying years ago. It was such a sweet scene. I love that that is your fave. :)

  5. The one that reached out to me is definitely the "Olympic Rings"...and so celebratory of all the wins! Nice!

    1. Awwww. Thanks, Robin. I've always been a glutton for the Olympics, so that design was special for me.

  6. I love those little mittens.... they are so cute. They scream for throwing snowballs and be dried on the heater and get another pair... HA....
    The Rings look great and what a timing that was. Always fun to see these colourings 'grow' under your hands. IHVJ

    1. You're my biggest fan, Astrid, and I love it. THANK YOU!


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