Thursday, June 07, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: May 2018

Now that we're back from our American trip, I'll start off with an easy post, since grandson Nicholas is now with us for two weeks.  In time I'll catch you up on everything.

For now, here are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for May, 2018:

May 6 (photo manipulation):
"A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face."
--Walt Disney Company, Pinocchio

"Most unfortunately, in the lives of puppets there is always a 'but' that spoils everything."
--Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio

May 13 (photo manipulation):
"Children are the anchors that a hold a mother to life."

Happy Mother's Day!

May 20 (photo manipulation):
"Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees takes off his shoes."
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning

May 27 (photo manipulation):
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters
compared to what lives within us."
--Henry David Thoreau

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

These are my Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for May 2018:

(finished on 20 April 2018, posted on FB 5 May 2018)
For some reason, I've always liked brown and red together.
Of course, brown is the redhead's "black," which is probably why.
But I don't recall ever wearing the combination.  Hmmm.
(from my Mandalas book)

(finished on 14 April 2018, posted on FB 12 May 2018)
Happy Mother's Day to Barbara Nelson Bennett Hart
who bore us 8 kids (of whom I am #3) and lived to age 80 by 1997.
We all came from your "center" and blossomed out over the years.  Thank you.
(from my Mandalas book)

(finished on 28 January 2018, posted on FB 19 May 2018)
Have you noticed that when you live long enough,
your life circles back to itself in sometimes wonderful, unbelievable ways!
That's how I felt last evening at my Class of '63 high school reunion here in Michigan...our 55th.
OMG!  I'm still luxuriating in those moments of "rekindling."
(from my Techellations book)

(finished on 7 April 2018, posted on FB 26 May 2018)
This Mandala design is called "Bluefin Tuna" in honor of daughter Amy's husband Dennis
and his parents who owned a sport fishing boat named "Bluefin" for 20 years.
(Judy, his mom, is with us now in Atlanta, from California.)
Happy Memorial Day weekend to all my American friends,
especially those of you who will be fishing.


  1. Oh, I love the mother's day one! Gorgeous! Trying this...with my blog out of commission I haven't been able to post. I think we're back in business! :)

  2. oooh, yeah! i forgot about your highschool reunion!! i'm so glad you had a great time... love this serving up of your pictures tooooo xox

    1. It's hard to believe it all came and went so quickly...but what a great memory. Thanks, Elaine.

  3. These posts are always so wonderful to look at. All the colourings are so wonderful and the one with the Blue-fin is one of my favourites, Judy comes in mind. The wooden shoes "more Dutch you cannot get".... IHVJ.

    1. We both think alike, Astrid, which is special to me, as you know. THANK YOU.


End-of-Life Legalities

  Or a word to the wise (and for the record)! After Sander died in April, 2023...without a Will, remember?...and our tax accountant retired...