Thursday, August 09, 2018

A Giessen River Boat Ride

Do you ever feel that sometimes you have way too much fun?!  HA!

Well, this is one of those times, almost 3 weeks ago, when Astrid and I joined our friends, Margreeth (mother) and Natascha (daughter), for a Saturday's boat ride on our nearby Giessen river, just 7.5 km from home.

It so happens that Margreeth's brother, who lives in Giessenburg, owns an electric-motor boat.
Out of the goodness and generosity of his heart, along with his wife, we had access to it for the day. 
(Notice that I have a photo of them and their house...but not the boat!)

Here's the collage I put up on Facebook of Natascha's iPhone images.
(Did I mention it was a hot day and I had to keep myself covered from the blistering sun?)

Think about 4.5 hours of lazily cruising the Giessen river...the operative word being lazily.
Just ogling the real estate along the way was worth the trip.
Location.  Location.  Location.  (right?)

We watched mamas and papas along the way feeding their babies. 
It was educational.
(Have you ever seen a great crested grebe that wasn't soaked to the skin?)

Speaking of eating, we did our own thing right there on the boat.
A picnic on a boat!

Everything else was frosting on the cake.

What you see is what you get when you are lazily passing by.

We especially enjoyed seeing the Ons Museum from the river, which we had visited in 2014.

But to be honest, it was the cows who made my day, there at the water's edge.

By now, back away from the water, our earth is parched for lack of rain and the heat.
The cows teach us about how to deal with this extreme weather, right?

And then it was the windmill at the far end before we turned back.
It's the Oudendijkse Molen from 1683.

What is it about windmills!

I put this collage on Facebook today and someone said Astrid looked like a little girl!
I think all 4 of us (each with our turn at the helm) were little girls that day.

I even got my "fix" of weathervanes, all from the boat.
(Most of these I've shown before.)

Let's just say we had the Life of Riley that day...
thanks to the generosity of dear friends.


  1. Everything looks different from the water side. This looks and sounds absolutely delightful!

    1. You are so right, Ruth, about things looking different from the water. So very true. Totally delightful, indeed, and so worth the experience.

  2. What a super day, with a picnic too. Perfect! Wonderful photos, as usual Ginnie.

    1. Thank you kindly, dear Marie. You, of all people, know all about picnics. :)

  3. hey i've had a picnic on a boat before! hahaha... you know for the first YEAR we lived on the boat it felt like a vacation... but after 7 years, it loses it's charm lol... thanks for taking me on your boat trip!!! i had fun :)

    1. Boats are so fun, Elaine, but I can imagine they lose their appeal after 7 years??? So glad you enjoy following our adventures. :)

  4. What a wonderful day! Nothing like a leisurely ride and taking in the scenery with friends.

  5. These are the moments that life does not get any better and does not to get any better. What a perfect day together with Natascha and Margreeth. We are so lucky. Wonderful pictures for a wonderful memory to keep. IHVJ

    1. Life, indeed, does not ever need to get better than this! I love it for us. Bedankt!

  6. Looks terrific. And those weathervanes!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...