Thursday, October 11, 2018

Son Mark in the Netherlands, 2018

He came, he saw, he conquered.  HA!

Actually, it all came and went too quickly, because we really did so much, when we look back on it.  See for yourself:

Day 1:  Sunday, September 30:  AMSTERDAM

We picked Mark up at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport bright and early...
and in plenty of time for me to snap 8 of the 34 Elephants on parade there till 12 October.

Because seeing Amsterdam is a must, we spent the day sightseeing.
Taking a canal cruise is one of the easiest ways to see the city, if you're stuck for time.
But we also walked to the Rijksmuseum area, because it's a favorite spot.

Eating at Wagamama is also a must for Astrid and me.
I don't think he was disappointed.

Day 2:  Monday, October 1:  KINDERDIJK

It was an on-again, off-again rainy day but we made the most of it at Kinderdijk,
followed by eating pannenkoeken out in the polder.
(It was our first time to see the new war memorial near Kinderdijk.)

Day 3:  Tuesday, October 2:  LOCKS and AIRBORNE MUSEUM

Mark has an avid interest in WWII movies, like "A Bridge too Far," which we watched together.
It was then perfect to see up-close-and-personal the Airborne Museum and cemetery in Oosterbeek,
as well as to cross the "bridge too far" in nearby Arnhem.
Along the way we showed him what big Dutch locks look like in Tiel and Driel.

Day 4:  Wednesday, October 3:  BRUGES, Belgium

Lucky for our visitors, we're close enough to other countries to make a day trip!
Mark's first choice was to see Bruges, about 2 hours away.
It just happens to be one of Europe's favorite destinations for tourists.
Of course, we "made" him eat a Belgian waffle.

Day 5:  Thursday, October 4:  GORINCHEM

This is where we live, as you know, so a walk around our citadel was imperative.
We are always so proud to show family and friends where we live!

That evening we took Mark to meet Jeroen and Eva...and 3-week-old Hailey.
(We were also getting instructions for our first babysitting stint tomorrow evening!)

Day 6:  Friday, October 5:  WIJK bij DUURSTEDE and FRIENDS

Astrid drove along the Diefdijk, part of the Dutch Waterline, to see the war bunkers,
on our way to Wijk bij Duurstede.
We love the only drive-through windmill in the world...and the nearby castle.

We got back home in time for our community's Happy Hour,
Mark did tell us he wanted to have DUTCH food, so we took him seriously!

That evening we were guests at Femke's and Jeannette's for Italian.
They sure know how to do it up big!  Mark was more than impressed.
(And yes, we celebrated Hailey's birth with beschuit met muisjes.)

Day 7:  Saturday, October 6:  DEN HAAG and SCHEVENINGEN BEACH

To get to the Scheveningen beach, you first drive through Den Haag/The Hague.
So we first stopped at the Peace Palace, housing the Int'l Court of Justice (top-left),
and then the Kurhaus Hotel (bottom-right) before hitting the pier.
Talk about a perfect day for the beach at the North Sea, Holland's most famous seaside resort)!

Day 8:  Sunday, October 7:  LOEVESTEIN CASTLE

By now you know that the Loevestein Castle across the Merwede river from us is our favorite castle.
It was built in 1361 and caters to everything medieval, especially for kids' birthday parties.
It's hard NOT to love such a fun, interactive place, let alone feel the history.

Afterwards, on our way home, we stopped in next-door Woudrichem...

...Gorinchem's sister city across the river.  It was important for us that Mark see it.
We want all our visitors to see what makes US tick here where we live.

You've seen some of these food images in the above collages,
but here I've collected the 10 more-Dutch-you-cannot-get foods Mark ate while here.
He had specifically said before he came that he wanted to eat Dutch food, and he did!

But, can you match the images with the 10 foods he ate ??  Try it (in alphabetical order):
beschuit met muisjes
boerenkool stampot
frikandel speciaal
nasi met saté (Dutch Indonesian)

Day 9:  Monday, October 8:  SCHIPHOL AIRPORT (for his early departure back to Atlanta)

THANK YOU, Mark, for the time and expense it took you to come visit us.
We'll never forget it.  Make sure you come back again one day!


  1. It was so much fun to have Mark on this side of the pond so he could see why we just love being here in the Netherlands. Never a dull moment from the time he arrived until we brought Mark back at Schiphol Airport. Pictures say more than a thousand words and that is true, so true. Thank you Mark for the wonderful time you were here.

    1. DITTO to everything you have written here, Astrid. We'll never forget it! And now we have the "record" in case we forget some of the details.

  2. I had a great time, thanks for letting me stay with you!


    1. You are so welcome, Mark. We'll have to do it again sometime! :)

  3. awwww, i love how you put the whole week together for us to come along for the ride! the way you took pictures of Mark taking pictures really makes me feel like I was standing just behind him while he enjoyed the views... this makes me feel happy right along with you!

    1. I really like that YOU liked how I took these photos, Elaine, because I've shown some of these same spots over and over again! I want them NOW to be shown through our friends' and family's eyes! :)

  4. All these beautiful memories. Oh my. Many that we have shared also, and still mean so much to us. You are the best hosts. The food, food, food. (you know me) It is a treasure that Mark has gotten to experience all this with you and create memories for a lifetime.

    Boots, I don't think you are ever quite as beautiful as when you hold a baby, this time your very precious Hailey.

    1. I love that YOU, Ruth (and Don), have also experienced the places we love and hold dear to our hearts. You weren't here as long as Mark but you at least got a good taste. Thank you for the memories.

      And what a sweet comment on what Hailey brings out in me. Thank you. :)

  5. It looks like you all had a fabulous time :-)

    I love the elephants in the first collage :-)

    1. Yes, Cherry, we had a GREAT time and are so thankful for it. The elephants are fun, aren't they. I love how there can be so many variations on a theme. :)

  6. Wow! Mark got his own personal food tour of the Netherlands! I hope he somehow picked up a french fry while in Bruges! The best I've ever had! And of course that waffle isn't bad either, ha! It's obvious you all had a blast!

    1. Oh, yes, Robin. Fries came with his meal in Bruges, so I'm sure he was a happy camper. We had such a great time over all!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...