Thursday, October 04, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: September 2018

As I speak, my son Mark, from Atlanta, is here with us here in The Netherlands for a week.  His first time here ever!  But that's for another post, later.

This is what's on deck for this week:

First, my Watercolor Sunday posts on FaceBook for September 2018:

September 2 (photo manipulation):
"No matter what people tell you, your words and ideas can change the world."
--Robin Williams

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."
--Mahatma Gandhi

September 9 (photo manipulation):
"Truth is like the sun.  You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."
--Elvis Presley

September 16 (photo manipulation):
"September tries its best to have us forget summer."
--Sir Bernard Williams

September 23 (photo manipulation):
"Keep calm and yell O."
"Just duck it."
"Wake up and be O-some."
"I got Duck fever...and the only prescription is...more quack."
"Once you are a duck you are always a duck.  Go Ducks."

This past Thursday, g'son Nicholas moved into his dorm at the University of Oregon,
where he is now a full-fledged student.
He attended his first Ducks football game as a student yesterday.
Too bad they lost to Stanford (31-38) but I'm sure he'll "Keep calm and quack on."

September 30 (photo manipulation):
"Today you are you!  That is truer than true!  There is no one you-er than you."
--Dr. Seuss

In honor of my one and only daughter, Amy Tiffan Dunn, who loves Hawaii's Plumeria flower.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for September 2018:

(finished on 21 June, posted on FB 1 September 2018)
Here's another design on which I used my gel pens but ran out of ink on 2 of them halfway through!
Luckily, I had other pens to more or less match the color.
Like I said before, I like the pens but it's a deal-breaking shame that the ink runs out so quickly!
(from my Techellations book)

(finished on 17 August, posted on FB 8 September 2018)
After all these years, coloring on black-paper background is still my favorite.
It makes me think about the positive aspects of black/dark, enhancing color and light.
There's probably a sermonette in there somewhere?
(from my Kaleido Color book)

(finished on 9 December, posted on FB 15 September 2018)
Summer loosens her grip as autumn breaths down her neck, at least where we live.
It's my favorite time of the year!
But for those of you facing hurricanes/storms of whatever kind, please stay safe.
(from my Stained Glass book)

(finished on 15 September, posted on FB 22 September 2018)
Some of you know that our g'daughter Hailey spent her first week in the hospital, fighting for her life.
I started and finished this mandala last Saturday, praying out to God Almighty, 
with every stroke, for her health.
On her 8th day of life, this past Thursday, she was able to go home, finally.
This is for you, Hailey.  YOU GO, GIRL.

(finished on 23 September, posted on FB 29 September 2018)
"The sun will come out tomorrow; bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun!"
After everything we went through with g'daughter Hailey's birth, 
it was good to color this Vintage Patterns design and think of this Annie quote.
(Hailey was born on 12 September; I finished this 11 days later.)

More about Mark's visit in my next post....


  1. I love to see how many different styles there are in the colouring, the techie stuff and the stained glass look and I like them all. As for the watercolours, I love the way they turn out. Always a nice surprise to me. IHVJ

    1. You always hang in there with me, too, with the coloring, especially, sometimes helping me to decide on which colors and where. HA! See, I really do need you. :)

  2. hey sister... yes there is a sermon in there! and i loved the quote about Sept trying so hard to make us forget the summer... sept is a lovely month, one were i start craving 'boquettes of sharpened pencils' :) and get a hankerin' to go buy school supplies... i spent way too many years in school lol remember when we were young, and we could go into our first class back at school and make a silent oath to always keep our supplies nice? lol an oath we always broke? lovely pictures, sister!!

    1. Now that you mention it, I always LOVED going back to school. Seriously. It's THAT month, indeed, even when out of school for so long. Of course, now g'son Nicholas is back in school/university, so I pay attention again. How fun. Thanks.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ruth. Who knew the black could be so worthwhile! (Another sermonette?)

  4. The one from your stained glass book really jumped out for me this month! Wonderful!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...