Thursday, December 13, 2018

Hailey at 3 Months

Yesterday, 12 December, Hailey reached the 3-month 13 weeks.  Did I ever count weeks or months like this before???  It still feels like so much longer than 3 months....

Actually, I want to start with 2 weeks ago when she was 11 weeks and we needed a fix.

We walked in the door at the end of Mama and Papa's dinner.
There was Hailey, sitting at the table with them, all prettied up.

Mama then changed her diaper...

after which Papa cuddled with her.
He had recently come home from work.

Hailey still takes lots of cat naps while being loved so dearly.

She must have awakened for my turn...

and then took her second cat nap.  
Having visitors is so tiring!

Then it was Mama's turn.

Hailey knows her mama..and stayed awake!

But Oma Astrid promptly put her back to sleep again.

Actually, it took a few whimpers...but she finally relaxed again.
One cat nap after the other.

It was while Oma Astrid held her that I noticed all her hand gestures.
If these hands could talk!

Before we left that evening, Papa showed us how he's teaching his daughter to dance:

How can you not fall in love with them both!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

That was a fix.  Two weeks later, just 2 days ago, we babysat Hailey for the first afternoon of Mama's back-to-work venture, after being off for about 4 months.  

First order of business was the bottle...

followed by fun and games in the crib, with Oma Astrid eliciting the smiles.
(She makes me smile, too.  HA!)

The crib is where Llama, her BFF since Day 1, keeps her company...

as does the mobile overhead.

Do you get the feeling that she wants to hold Llama in her arms?  I wonder.
(Llama is wedged between the crib slats to keep her steady.)

It was on-and-off-again rain that afternoon but during an "off," we went for it.
Nothing like getting our exercise while babysitting, right!

We even stopped by to see Opa Jaap...just long enough to smile and say HI.
(And, yes, we decided to take Llama with us.)

As we came back to the house, Papa arrived home from work at the same time.

Talk about good timing!
HE changed her diaper and did the broeken dans (pants dance) with her,
before we left for our own home.

How's that for one fix after another!
Going forward, starting the new year, we'll be babysitting
every other Tuesday afternoon, while Mama works.
It'll be perfect for maintaining the fix, and we're delighted.

All this is for the record, of course.  We don't ever want to forget:
HAILEY:  You Make My Day!


  1. Words are almost not needed to add to this post, Ginnie. The pictures show the delight Hailey is and how well she is loved by everybody. Babysitting her will be a great way to get a bond with her and Hailey with us. IHVJ.

    1. This is one very loved baby, indeed, Astrid. You said it right. And yes, babysitting gives us a "fixed" time to be with Hailey and watch her grow before our very eyes.

  2. I can't handle the cuteness!!! I love infants this age SO MUCH. My arms itch to hold her. Please give her a kiss from Auntie Ruth next time.

    1. I so know what you mean about infants, Ruth. My arms and heart have been filled up to overflowing. I will definitely give Hailey a kiss from Auntie Ruth the next time I see her. :)

  3. wow, she is growing sooooo fast, her SMILE!!! wow... her little face is so expressive now... and WHAT A CUTIE!!!

    1. Her little personality is starting to show, Elaine, and we are eating it up,as you know!

  4. Too much cuteness here! Enjoy your new weekly fix in 2019!

    1. You can bet that we will eat her up every chance we get, Robin!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...