Thursday, December 27, 2018

Hailey's First Christmas, 2018

It so happens that our Christmas meal with family here in the Netherlands goes back-n-forth each year between our house and their's.  Last year we were with Eva and Jeroen when we got the surprise news that they were "in a family way."

Talk about a Christmas gift!

This year it was our turn, which means Hailey's first Christmas was at OUR house! And that, TOO, was a Christmas gift!  And did I mention that Jaap, Astrid's ex-husband, joins us each year!


Papa and Child.

I'm lucky if I can ever get Hailey in focus when Jeroen is holding her.  HA!
(I keep forgetting to set the camera on shutter priority!)

Mama and Child.

The lights.  The wonder...even at 15 weeks!

Oma and Child.

Hailey in her Christmas outfit!

Oma and Child.

Half an outfit is better than no outfit at all.

I didn't mention that Oma Astrid had two surgeries on the 18th and wasn't allowed to hold no photos with her or with Opa either.  And did you notice that I took no photos at all of the Christmas meal!  

So it is, that this was all that was important to me this year...the wonder.  It will be a different kind of wonder next year, I'm sure!

And now we all wait in the dash between the bling-bling:  
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  1. Such a gorgeous baby girl. Hope Astrid recovers quickly! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Marie. You totally "get" grandchildren, especially grand-girls. My only other grandchild is Nicholas, who is now 18 and at the University of Oregon! Astrid thanks you for your well wishes. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  2. Oh my dog!!!! soooo beautiful!!! my faves are you holding bebe in front of the tree... soft lighting from the twinkle lights, and soo much love!
    Her Christmas outfit was cute lol

    1. So much love, indeed, Elaine. And thanks for joining the joy!

  3. I predict she will never tire of looking at the ornaments. :)

  4. This was such a fabulous time together. Hailey really takes it all in and what a memory this will be, her first Christmas. What a joy. IHVJ.

    1. We are the lucky ones, aren't we! So many beautiful memories to have and to hold.

  5. Adorable! There will be so many memories made with her "OMA" - both of them! Happy New Year!

    1. Oh, yes, Robin. We're in heaven. :) Happy New Year to you as well!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...