Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hailey at 4-1/2 Months

There's an ancient-of-days word that most of us know and often wonder about what it means:  besotted, as in I am besotted with Hailey.  I'm smitten with, devoted to, doting on, charmed by, captivated by, enchanted by, enthralled by, hypnotized by her.

It's something about babies, I think.  The mother instinct.

Anyway, here are two more babysitting stints to catch you up on, 10 days apart.

First, on Saturday, 19 January, mama and papa had a night out with business friends, so we had a 4-10 p.m. heyday:

The fun thing about photo files is that you can see their chronological sequence.
This day the giraffe teether was her first-up toy of choice.
Apparently some days she has no interest in it whatsoever.

Changing diapers is a good time to give Eskimo kisses, of course.
That was just before dinner was served.

By now Hailey is on solid foods:  carrots, pumpkin, pears...
and this day, her first time to taste banana.
As I said on FB, when you close your eyes while eating, you give yourself away!

At one point Oma Astrid says "Lekker, hé!" which means "Delicious, eh?!
Who doesn't like banana?!"

With a full tummy after banana (and milk, of course), we're all smiles.

Did we have crinkle toys when we were babies?
The sounds are fabulous, no matter how/where you touch them.
It's nice when she can entertain herself...

...after which she carried on with Oma Astrid.

You might remember that Hailey had a challenging first week after birth,
which caused some loss of muscle strength in her neck.
So, working in other tummy time is also important... is some sitting time, followed by a good book.

After all of that, you, too, would need a nap!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

That was then.  And now, this past Tuesday afternoon, 29 January, we had another babysitting time:

With temps hovering around freezing, YES, we took Hailey for a 1.5-hour walk.
She was wide awake for the first 50 minutes and then slept till we arrived back home.
This is what the Dutch do and I love it.  It's a win-win exercise for everyone.

By now Hailey has definitely found her voice!
[Thanks to Oma Astrid for the video.]

How can you possibly add anything to that story?!


  1. Precious! Hailey looks long. Another tall Dutch woman in the making.

    1. I have a feeling the perspective in the images distorts her true length, Marie, which actually is average. Her parents and grandparents are also all "average" in length/height. Hmm. It'll be interesting to see over time!

  2. awwww!!! her little half smiles makes her remind me of that old advertisment showing the Gerber baby... you recall?
    plus i think she is already starting to look like her Dad!
    such a sweetie!
    i love the videos!!
    doesn't besotted mean like... full of liquid? you know, like a pastry besotted with creme?
    i could be wrong :)

    1. Actually, Elaine, we see a lot of her mama in her mouth, if that means anything. I'm sure we'll also see papa in her, too, in time. It's fun. So, regardless of whatever else "besotted" means, it is as I wrote....

  3. The smiles and love! 3-5 months is my favorite age. I wish I could hold her too!

    1. It is definitely the "mother-instinct" age, Ruth. I have a feeling Astrid, Mama, and Papa can hardly wait till she is trying to keep up with them athletically. :)

  4. So adorable...and so innocent and pure.

  5. It is always a joy to be with her. She is such a content and cheery baby and... very talkative.....In no time she will talk "our ears from our head"..(Dutch saying) Walking is great for the both of us. I love these posts, for time flies and she is growing up so fast. Looking forward to the next post. Thank you for documenting her life. IHVJ.

    1. And to think we get to share all of this together! We are so lucky. Till the next time, indeed.

  6. Ginnie, she is adorable! I can understand why you both are fans. I am also impressed to see that you are reading a book in Dutch? Or just pointing at the pictures? Come clean now.

    1. HAHAHA! Actually, Vagabonde, the joke around here is that Hailey will teach me Dutch and I will teach her English. :) But, yes, I AM reading the books to her in Dutch, to get my practice. I have a long way yo go, however!


End-of-Life Legalities

  Or a word to the wise (and for the record)! After Sander died in April, 2023...without a Will, remember?...and our tax accountant retired...