Thursday, December 19, 2019

Brain-Teaser Addictions

In case you get to any point at the end of this year when you need SOMETHING TO DO and can't figure out what it should be, do I have something for you...if it's up your alley.

Where has this been all my life???  Seriously.  Have you known about binary puzzles all this time and you never mentioned it???

OMG.  I'm addicted.

You can check out the link to get all the particulars but basically the rules are easy and you're only dealing with 0's and 1's.  How hard can that be, right?  I'm playing it on my laptop and my iPad and find it to be quite challenging, no matter how small or large the grid or how difficult the level.

Speaking of challenging, you've heard it said that we need to exercise our brains with these teasers to reduce the risk of dementia...which is why I also play Spider Solitaire, Mahjong, etc.  I believe it's true, even though my brainiac mom, who died of Alzheimer's, challenged herself daily with such things like solitaire Scrabble, making a goal of breaking 1,000 points each time.  She'd have a heyday with what's available now on our internet devices...and maybe still get Alzheimer's!

Whatever the brain exercises you do or don't do, I can guarantee that with this one, you'll be challenged to the hilt, if it is in fact up your alley.

Enjoy.  (But don't blame me!)

to all of you who celebrate it.


  1. ugh, puzzles lol...
    well, my brain is certainly 'teased' by other things!
    I'm glad you are having fun with it tho!

    1. I added "if it's up your alley" twice, Elaine, just for you. HA! I know you do NOT like puzzles like this. Good for us, though, who do.

  2. I tried some for a while. I really I have to concentrate. I know why these are addictive to you. A major challenge.
    We have to do something to keep our brains fit....
    Merry Christmas.... IHVJ.

    1. We each have our fun games that challenge us. I like this for both of us, to make sure we stay as sharp as possible. HA!

  3. Replies
    1. HA! They're getting easier and easier for me, Ruth. If I get totally stumped on one, I leave it and go to the next one. I believe there are 100 in each category. Enough to wrack my brain for a long time to come. :)


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