Thursday, December 31, 2020

Socks Socks Socks and More Socks (cont'd)

On this very last day of a crazy's the rest of the socks I've made since the 27th pair for Sister Ruth in my last sock post (October 9th):

28th Pair (for Astrid), finished October 19, 2020
Flotte Socke, Rellana #1008, Germany, 41% cotton, 39% wool, 13% polyamide, 7% polyester
[It's one of my favorite yarns to work with!]

29th Pair (for Dicky), finished October 26, 2020
Scheepjes, Invicta Colour, NL, #970, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[Neighbor Dicky, who waters our plants and collects our mail on vacation, loved her first pair.
"You can't walk on one leg" (my favorite Dutch idiom), so she got another pair.]

30th Pair (for moi), finished November 4, 2020
Flotte Socke, Rellana, #1422, Germany, 70% polyacrylic, 23% viscose wool, 7% polyester
[Believe it or not, there's not a gram of wool in this yarn and is another favorite of mine.
The bamboo in the viscose wool supposedly has an antibacterial and deodorizing effect.]

31th Pair (for Susan), finished November 12, 2020
Flotte Socke, Rellana, #1540, Germany, 50% wool, 25% viscose wool, 25% polyamide
[Susan is our travel agent, working with us this crazy year to cancel, postpone or reschedule
our 3 major trips (Croatia, England, America) because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  All gratis means she deserved a pair for all her efforts!]

32nd Pair (for Riet), finished November 19, 2020
Scheepjes, Invicta Colour, NL, #973, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[Riet is the Mother Hen of our senior-living complex here where we live,
always cooking and helping anyone and everyone.  She loves the socks for bedtime!]

33rd Pair (for Astrid), finished November 29, 2020
Schachenmayr Regia, Germany, #03760, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[To be honest, Astrid loves any yarn that has red in it!]

34th Pair (for Riet), finished December 6, 2020
Scheepjes, Our Tribe, NL, #968, 70% Merino wool, 30% polyamide
[Remember "You can't walk on one leg?"  Yup.  Now Riet, too, has two pairs.
And that ended my stash of 11 Scheepjes yarns having no mind of their own for matching!]

35th Pair (for Ary), finished December 13, 2020
Opal Adventure, Germany, #9825, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[Ary is the male version of our Mother-Hen Riet, always helping out whenever/wherever he can.
He was the one who called my very first pair, back in February, "Norwegian socks." 
They don't carry that design anymore, but this comes pretty close, and he loves them.]

36th Pair (for Jessica), finished December 21, 2020
Schachenmayr Regia, Germany, #09094, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[The minute I saw this Girly-Girl yarn, I grabbed it, not knowing who would receive it.
It didn't take long to choose the granddaughter of Mother-Hen Riet, who is age 20, the same age 
as my grandson Nicholas!  And yes, she modeled them for me when she opened them Christmas day.]

37th Pair (for Karin), finished December 29, 2020
Schachenmayr Regia, Germany, #09135, 75% wool, 25% polyamide
[This was another yarn I grabbed because of the black, not knowing who would receive it.
Like with Jessica, it didn't take long to choose Karin, Astrid's cousin, who wears a lot of black.
And to think I met her for the first time a month ago!]

As I said on Facebook today, who knew back in mid-February that I would become 
a maniacal sock-knitter!  HA!  It helped, of course to have a crazy stay-at-home year.
But, yes, I'm hooked, staying at home or not.  As we speak, I'm on my 38th pair....

As we say, "enough already," and on to a New Year, believing in nowhere to go but UP.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Hats Hats Hats and More Hats

So, yes, following on the theme of my socks, how about seeing what Astrid is knitting in HER spare time!

But first, the background.  Back in 2003 in the UK, the Innocent Drinks company started the Big Knit project that puts little hats (mutsjes, in Dutch) on the tops of their smoothie bottles in stores, now made by people all over Europe with proceeds going to a charity for seniors in need.

If you can imagine it, you can probably make it!
In fact, you can even find patterns to make them, which Astrid has started doing.
[All these images are thanks to Innocent, as shown on their smoothies.]

Not to worry that it's in Dutch, because you can still get the point.
All the little hats are now donated from many European countries for stores where they live.
In the Netherlands, €.20 for each mutsje goes to a charity helping seniors in need.

So now that you get the idea, look at what Astrid is coming up with.
Almost everything she makes is using her imagination to create new designs.

For some collages, I'm putting similar colors together.
(Do you see any yarns that look like my socks???  Talk about repurposing!)

Sometimes it's hard to categorize them apart from their "normal" style.

But how cute is that, with added "tails" (?)!

She's now getting braver as she branches out...without a pattern!
Who doesn't like the Minions, right!  Stuart on the left is her favorite.

What about Ninja Turtles...again, without a pattern.

The only mutsjes she HAS used a pattern for thus far is these sheep.  OMG!

I loved them so much, I made a composite photo for our photoblog next Christmas week:
"While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night...."

Speaking of Christmas, we can all still put on our Santa hats even if we can't meet in person.

So with that, from our house to yours...

Merry Christmas
...and please stay safe and healthy!

[I will continue to add posts with mutsjes/little hats as Astrid knits more of them in the weeks to come.]

Our 15th Anniversary Get-Away

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