Tuesday, September 27, 2005

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Marktkirche Scaled Down

For this two-week stint in Hannover, I had 2 specific goals: watch Season 1 of Lost (finished this past Sunday with Donica!) and make the 3-D paper model of Hannover's Market Church (Marktkirche) that I had purchased in August when we went to the Orgelkonzert there. When I saw it was only €5 ($6.0205), I bought it on the spot, knowing it was exactly the kind of challenge I love.

It took me approximately 30-35 hours to make it in a week's time: cutting, scoring, folding and gluing. The booklet was in German but no amount of feeding the phrases into the online translator made any sense out of what I was supposed to do and in what order. Let's just say I had to picture it in my head and figure it out.

The 4 doors and 39 windows were the biggest challenge. The tower was the fun part, as were the 26 buttresses. Guess you could say I really get into stuff like this -- the minute, exacting details! But my small hands helped. Donica and I decided someone with big hands would be "all thumbs" on this kind of project.

One thing about the Marktkirche in real life is that it's so tall, you can't get an up-close shot of the front of it and get it all in (like the model shot top left). You can do it from far away but too many other buildings are in the way. The back shot (above left), however, works just fine.

Even if I say so myself, I'm proud of my accomplishment. I haven't had this much fun for $6 (well, $7, if you count the glue!) in I don't know how long!


  1. Very good job you made of it too Ginnie, Chris :)

  2. Awwww. You are so sweet to leave a comment here, Chris. Thanks a million. :)

  3. I am just going throuh your pictures, this is so great, I have seen it for a few times now, now you have 6 times fun, #1 see the original, #2 buy the model one, #3 make the model one, #4 to take the pictures, #5 and make this beautiful post....and get some comments to.......geweldig.

  4. Astrid, Woman, you have just made my day! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...