Monday, September 12, 2005


Sometimes weekends end up being chock full of FAMILY! This was one of them, starting with Friday. Donica took the afternoon off work (since she's on her way to Amsterdam as I speak) and joined me at Amy's townhouse to finish up the last of our projects. Mark, too, joined us, followed by Amy herself and Nicholas. Then pizza for supper after all our hard work and Crash, the movie (6/17 post), for Mark and Donica to see for their first time.

We could have stopped there and been thrilled enough. But no, that was just the beginning. Early Saturday morning we all went to Nicholas' first soccer game of his third season and watched him actually kick the ball. He says he's gonna kick 180 goals this season! This is serious stuff (even though they still don't count goals at this under-six age). Most of his teammates are the same as last spring; others are new, as are their shirts (now red instead of green). Goofing off with Daddy, of course, is part of the "game."

Then to our house for lunch and the 2 biggest football games of the day! First it was my alma mater, MICHIGAN (sigh--we won't even go there!), followed later by Mark's alma mater, GEORGIA (way to go!). Like I said, priorities. Amy and Mark grew up in a power football home (both parents grads of MICHIGAN!) and fully understand the importance of watching the season's games. All I can say is it's a good thing the UofM and UGA are from two different conferences!

In between the two games we had plenty of time to stretch our legs outside, getting loved on...

...and then watching Nicholas drive up and down our loooong, hilly, curvy driveway. Donica enabled the 5 mph on his Jeep so he could make the incline to the top of the drive (first time). Once up, he switched gears to Reverse to turn around and then once more to 2.5 mph to head back down. Three gears! And knowing how to turn the steering wheel while in reverse! Even Mark was impressed.

To top off the evening, Donica and I left the brood at our house and headed to Chastain Park for the Indigo Girls' concert. (Priorities are sometimes a family of two!)

Some weekends go like that--so chock full you don't know if you're coming or going! But we needed it because now we head back to Europe for a couple weeks. We needed a good dose of FAMILY before leaving! (Donica left today; I leave on Tuesday.)

1 comment:

  1. thanks to everyone who contribtued to the memories!! They will last forever.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...