Monday, September 26, 2005

Oktoberfest Fireworks

As you know by now, we try to take advantage of our weekends while here in Germany. So much to see; miles to go before we sleep!

On Saturday evening we went back to Herrenhäuser Gärten, this time for the Australian contribution to Hannover's International Fireworks Competition. This was their 15th Jubilee year, highlighting from May through September the fireworks from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Argentinia, Sweden and Australia. We left before finding out who won this year but Sweden won last year.
Leading up to the fireworks each year, a festive atmosphere takes place at many different locations within the Great Garden, offering everything from the classical to the modern, from drama and cabaret to folklore -- like the derigidoo concert and Jodie's country music show (an Australian woman singing country!) -- colourful entertainment for young and old alike. It's all in my photo album.

There's just something about fireworks in what's considered one of the best European baroque gardens left! Unbelievable. When I stop to think about it, I pinch myself.

That was Saturday night. Last night, we went over to the Maschesee Lake vicinity to see what a Hannover Oktoberfest looks like. Uschi (Frau Fahrtmann, our landlady, now on first-name terms with us!) told us to go at night because of the lights. In a word, it was almost exactly what we think of when we say Fair. I'm sure Oktoberfest is much different in other German cities, like Munich, or even in our Helen, GA, but here in Hannover, it's a Fair, like what we'll take Nicholas to at home in a couple weeks. We didn't ride a thing but walked around, took it all in, and ate some good food. I even drank a Beck lemon beer made in Bremen!

The Germans love their festivals! (It's amazing what you find when you stay in your own backyard!)

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...