Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Grand Finale

Did I believe it would ever happen? YES! I finished Amy's Townhouse yesterday, Day 11 of painting!

It was the one day where I needed assistance, namely with the extension ladder for the 2-story stretch at the stairway ceiling. The roller painting was done but not the cutting in. So Donica was the lady of the hour. She not only bought the ladder (which we needed anyway at our house!) but put it together. That included the leg extenders for the stairs. Tricky. Then every time I had to move, she was there to help re-situate the ladder (midst the other projects she was doing, like installing 3 dimmer switches). She's afraid of heights; I'm not. So thank God I'm the painter.

Once done, it was time for celebration! Amy pulled out the champagne, we toasted each other, and then ate the most magnificent meal she has cooked to date (from our prejudiced perspective). Amy is a gourmet cook and loves to use us as guinea pigs whenever she finds a new recipe she thinks we'll like. This one was pork tenderloin medallions with rice and snow peas...and a seasoning to die for. We were all in heaven on so many levels.

The nice thing about races or competions or series or projects is that there always comes the grand finale time. How can you NOT celebrate! How can you NOT raise your glass, look at everyone in the eyes and say "I love you!"

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...