Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Remember that we had an all-day excursion that Saturday while in London, February 24th, going by coach from Windsor Castle to Stonehenge to Bath. Well, here's Stonehenge first because it was the quickest photo album (32 pics) to publish since it was the shortest of the trips.

We had spent all morning at Windsor Castle. By the time we got to the outskirts of Stonehenge, it was time for our Traditional English Pub lunch. The tour guide had taken our menu requests earlier on the coach and had phoned them in. So once there, the plates of food started coming out to us.

Donica's mom had told me ahead of time to make sure I ordered Sausage and Mashed Potatoes, which I did (there were only 2 of us who did so!). When the plate came out, the server shouted out, "Bangers and Mash!" HA! Little did I know. And I must say that it was fabulous. Good choice, Mom!

Our time at the actual Stonehenge site was only 30 minutes in the windy rain! I knew the wind would whip my umbrella inside out, so I decided to shield myself with my coat up over my head while I snapped pics with my camera. It actually worked well. I have chosen this pic from the lot with people in it to give a feel for the size of these stones.

This is Britain's greatest ancient temple (to the Sun and the changing seasons at midsummer and midwinter), from about 3000 to 1600 BC. The largest stones weigh over 40 tons. The highest stone is 24 feet (7.3m). And some are believed to have come from as far away as Wales. This all is a prehistoric mystery--one of the wonders of the world!

Whenever we travel and find medals/medallions of the places we visit, we buy them on the spot for our collection. Not all places have them but this one did. The way the light shown on the medal when I took the pic seemed appropriate as a tribute to the sun!

I'm done with my Windsor pics, so that will be next. But before that, today I meet up with Christina in Hannover's City Center before taking the train at 2:40p to Amsterdam, where I'll join Donica till we both fly home to Atlanta on Friday. I tell you this in case I don't have access to the Internet for my laptop until after we're back home.

Have a great rest of your week! Mercury is going direct again, as we speak, and will be free and clear in a couple days. We'll all feel the release! YAY!


  1. Hallelujah for Mercury going down. I need that release.

    I keep trying to figure out how the stones were transported but still haven't settled on an explanation. I bet when we finally find out it's going to be something so simple we'll be slapping our foreheads and laughing.

    The food looks delish! (I keep remembering the English breakfast, man oh man) And you brave soul, you drank something named 'Spitfire'? Was there much suffering afterward? *eek*

  2. One thing my father misses a lot about his homeland is the sausages. Sausages and tomatoes. They aren't the same in North America. I've heard stories of people smuggling them into Canada in coat pockets.

    Myself it would be English bacon, though I've only had it a couple of times. I don't know why they don't cut bacon the same here as they do there. I like the hard rind.

  3. Lisa: I think everyone is trying to figure out how those stones got transported! That's why it's one of the wonders of the world, I'm sure. The Spitfire beer was local (or at least British), which is why I chose it. :)

    Karen: These sausages had a similar texture to our hotdogs but still different enough to make them unique. I really liked them. I agree with you about the English bacon, tho'. I love the hard rinds. :)

  4. Love those bangers and mash, which they also have in Ireland. Your photos are crisp as always, and I'm glad you included the humans for us to get perspective. And apropos that you ended on an astrological note!

  5. I will not comment upon the meal as there is so much to be said about Stonehenge. So much it will take a thousand books. And still we have no answers to how they at that time was able to make this remarkable construction. Maybe the Druids had a for us unknown power. A power the modern man has lost. That would have been fascinating.

    And as allways: Excellent pictures. You must teach me one day. I'll bring my old Instamatic.LoL.

  6. Great! makes me want to go back; it's been ten years.

  7. I was going to comment on the Spitfire and meal, but everyone has beaten me to it. I'm going to jot that down for future reference (bangers and mash). It would be worth it just to hear it called out.
    Was it true you couldn't get up close at Stonehenge like someone mentioned on an earlier post?

  8. Stonehenge will probably remain a mystery, which I find a good thing. I kind of like the idea of wondering "how did they do it?"

    Wonderful shots.

  9. Stonehenge is on my top 5 list of things I must see. I hope to see it sooner, rather than later. I have a great suspicion that it is a very soulful place.

    and oh my...I'm hungry!

  10. The pictures look gorgeous!!! And the food wow so mouth watering!!

  11. We used to be able to wander around between the stones and (gasp!) actually TOUCH them! Of course that was before English Heritage realised that they could actually make tourist megabucks from the site.

  12. It's wonderful, Ginnie!! How did it feel to be there?? Any special vibes from the stones?? :)

  13. Geeze I'm late! But I want to be there too! The pics are amazing and it looks like such an awesome trip even if it was short...

    Hope the trip back was great... Geeze all this traveling and I'm stuck due to immigration still!

  14. I have always wanted to see Stonehenge! I will someday!

  15. Never been to Stonehenge, but watching your pics and reading the story makes me feel I've been there too - thanks so much for sharing!
    The sausage dish looks delicious - and Spitfire, a local beer?
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend too and a good trip to Amsterdam and give Donica a big blogger hug from me!

  16. Ruth: It was so wonderful! And now you know!

    Tor: You do just fine with your own pics! Don't for a minute think you don't. Stonehenge really is a mystery, isn't it. Amazing.

    Tut-Tut: Thank you ever so much for stopping by and commenting!

    Susan: I can still hear them calling it out, so yes, it was definitely worth it. :) And yes, we were NOT able to get closer than the circle loop. They had graffiti problems awhile back and had to restrict the area. Too bad.

    CS: I totally agree about the mystery of the place. We need to believe that our technology doesn't have all the answers! Thanks.

    Mad: Yes, it is soulful, Mad. If I ever go back, I will NOT take pics but will just stand and absorb it all.

    Chase: Thanks a million for stopping by and commenting!

    Ex-S: WOW! You were lucky back then. Now they have a stone at the entrance that you can touch and hug, but it's clearly not the same.

    RRD: Well, to be truthul, I was too busy taking pics. I should ask Donica!

    ET: Your time will come, trust me!

    James: You, too.

    Renny: We're now back from Amsterdam after a quick trip there (more about that in a later post). Yes, the Spitfire was a local beer, which is why I had it. I love to get the local feel to a place. :)

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  18. I haven't posted a comment for a while. I visited Stonehenge in 1986. Some of the stones looked like made in styrofoam. I have in mind the one that is well cut. Was the site still fenced?

  19. Chase: I want to keep up with YOU in this endeavor to see if it makes sense. So thanks for the update.

    Mei: Nothing was fenced off this time, but there were specific instructions to not veer off the circular path around the stones. And no one did. :)


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