Thursday, March 15, 2007


No, we're not copying Christina, but yes, our kitchen just got a makeover! The original white (formica?) counters were starting to get on my nerves. Actually, it was the space above them that was driving me crazy. I needed more of a backsplash. (Not that I'm that messy, of course!)

So when I visited a friend last fall and saw what they were doing in their kitchen, I was sold! (You don't need to advertize when you get referrals like that!) They were putting in granite-composite counters that were heat, stain and scratch resistant--and never needed polishing! And not as expensive as granite! It was a cinch to then sell Donica.

First of all, before our last trip to Europe, Steve came out and made the template. It was like making the pieces of a puzzle, most of which would be cut ahead of time in their shop to then be installed here.

The installers came yesterday! After taking out the sink, they then sawed off the original backsplash (above). Believe it or not, the new counter fits right on top of the old, whether it's formica, tile or whatever else.

Luckily, this biggest piece has no seams. This was already cut at the shop and was ready to fit into place. Then, of course, they cut out the hole for the sink.

At the end, this was the last piece of the puzzle to be installed, just below the window.

So Bud measured twice and cut twice (not once), just to make sure it fit in perfectly. It did. (BTW, the woods behind him is where Nicholas and I play--right at our fingertips!)

And just like that--VOILA!--this morning's look! Donica installed the under-counter lights over the weekend and still has to staple up the cords. I go get black outlet covers today and will put on the final touches. Isn't it amazing what a makeover can do!!!

Now that all this is done, I'm spit-spotting to get everything cleaned and put back together again before our very wonderful guest, Judy (from LA--Dennis' mom, remember?), arrives tomorrow morning, staying with us till Tuesday morning (while Dennis is off with Amy, of course). This is Dennis' gift to his mom for her 65th birthday. Aren't we the lucky ones!

Don't know when I'll post again, but if it's longer than normal, you'll know why. If you get bored, you can always go check me out at my photoblog, where pics will be queued to publish each day automatically.


  1. Looks FANTASTIC! Great choice, ladies!

  2. Oh wow, modern art! I love it. :-)

    Have a wonderful time with your guests. We "girls" will be thinking of you.

  3. Oh Wow, that looks lovely! I am anticipating a kitchen makeover a bit later this year... so I'm very inetersted in your pics, always looking for ideas. Have you thought of tiles for the backsplash?

  4. This looks SO lovely. Great look.

    Have a lot of fun with Judy (and Dennis when you see him)! Nice that you can reciprocate her hospitality to you from last fall. And Happy Birthday to her!

  5. Well aren't I the lucky one?!! I get to see "in person" what the rest of you can only enjoy with Ginnie's great (and always descriptive) pictures. I am SO excited - makes it more then worth turning 65 for sure. Looking forward to meeting Donica and Nicholas and seeing Amy and you again Ginnie. Ruth - thanks for your birthday wishes! Soon......

  6. Wow! Your kitchen looks amazing. Have a great time with Judy...actually I know you will :)

  7. Amy: I can hardly wait for you to see it. And thanks to YOU for helping us pick this color out!!!

    Christina: See how inspiring you were!?! :) And yes, you girls must have a great weekend while we're here playing! Do say HI to everyone who knows me.

    Ex-S: Actually, that granite IS the backsplash, the same as the surface. It sure beats what we had before! I know you will LOVE whatever you decide to do for yor place. I wish you luck.

    Ruth: The next time you visit us, you'll see it. :) And yes, we all are so excited about the weekend!!!

    Judy: See what happens when you turn 65!?! :) I'm not far behind and am quite sure I'll be just as happy. :)

    DW: You're a sweetheart. Thanks for your good wishes. I expect to have a blast. :)

  8. It's beautiful!!! I love all the photos leading up to it.
    And your woods, wow, so many adventures literally in your back yard!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Ginnie.

  9. Ginnie, the kitchen looks gorgeous! What a change it made!

    Please give my best to Judy - she's a very gracious lady!

  10. Oh, wow! Fantastic makeover. I've seen displays of this product (the one that just fits overtop of the existing counter) and I didn't quite "get" how the finished product would look. Now I know! And it's beautiful! (Definitely something to consider for the future.)

  11. First of all; one can never get bored visiting your blog. Your such a good story teller and this one with these great pictures is an excellent example! I'm actually afraid of showing it to my wife as I myself, got 10 thumbs (as we say in Norway). But inspirational! Yes it was!

    So we wish you the best and welcome back when you have the time:-)

  12. The kitchen looks great, Ginnie. What a difference a counter top can make.

    I hope you spend a few wonderful days with Judy :)

  13. I love it also! I can't wait to have a kitchen of that size to actually have room to cook. Ours as you know is so small!

    And I love the colors. Afterwards I was thinking, oh you should have done the before after photo trick. ;-)

    Glad you are busy and having fun. I'm definitely busy as can be right now.. Haven't been visiting blogs for about 3 wks now and will continue until I find some good work...

  14. OK, I see where the backsplash and the counter top are the same substance now, it looks rerally nice! I bet you are enjoying your new kitchen!

  15. You are so handy, I'm amazed.

    Here I'm with RennyBA, and miss you a lot.

    By the way: The E. Munch paint.

    If you would like more...


    z U 2 in Michigan

  16. I love your refrigerator. :)

  17. Mad: Thanks! We feel very blessed for it all.

    Dixie: Judy saw your comment and mentioned it to me. I know that meant a lot to her. We had a great time!

    Karen: Yes, you'd love it. If you have any questions about it when the time comes, please just ask away.

    Renny: You're a total sweetheart!

    CS: We are still amazed at the difference it makes. We should have done it a long time ago! And yes, we had a fabulous time with Judy.

    ET: It's funny because our kitchen IS big by European standards but would be considered small for the new construction we just saw. It's just right for me. :)

    Ex-S: HA. I knew you'd "get" it. :) We just love it.

    Tor: Maybe we WILL see you in Michigan. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

    Susan: Thanks, and we did. :)

    Lisa: HA! All those magnets!!!

  18. Ohhhhh! This looks "très chic"!

    Ginnie, I have something to ask you. Looking at those pics gave me an idea. It reminds me of something I wanted to do for a long time. So I went back on my blog and did it: now, would you pleaaaaaaaaaaase show me a pic of your fridge? :O)

  19. Clo, I couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere, so I sent the link to MP. If you get this response first,
    here it is


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...