Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Birthday!

Two years ago today, I started this blog, In Soul. This was my first photo (with grandson Nicholas, who was 4-1/2 at that time) and my first two posts on that same day, here and here.

I used to post something almost every day here. Then this past fall I started a photo blog on Shutterchance where what I consider my best pics are posted every day, one at a time. Because of that new outlet, I made the decision to slow down here and publish every other day or 3x/week.

It's easy for ME to say that I've come a long way, Baby. Is it as easy for you? :) For all of you who have watched me grow here, thank you.



  1. Happy 2nd Birthday! I for one, am so grateful that you started this blog 2 years ago. Otherwise I would never have met you! :-) Here's to another 2 years and beyond...

    (P.S. Shutterchance is loading much faster for me now and I'm able to see all your beautiful pictures. Must have been my computer)

  2. I love this picture of you and Nicholas, Mom! And the location is special as well . . . such a special place for two special people! I've also loved reading your daily posts and I'm so glad you have enjoyed writing and posting as much as we have enjoyed reading and staying up on you and your life. I love you!

  3. Christina: Isn't that the truth! If it weren't for this blog, I probably never would have met you! It's been worth it for you alone. :) (And of course, I can say that for everyone else!)

    So glad SC is loading much faster for you. Feel free to leave a comment there from time to time, if you wish. :)

    Amy: Awwww. What a great birthday message from you that means the world to me, you know. Thank you. I love you, too!

  4. Happy 2nd Birthday, In Soul, and many, many more to come. I'm proud of having been able to grow with your blog, Ginnie, and with your soul.

  5. Hey Ginnie... Congratulations! Hope you know how much you are loved!

  6. CS: Ohhhhhh. Thank you so much, Sandra. You know how to get to me!

    T1: I do feel very loved! Thank you, Kim.

  7. Congratulations!! I'm blessed to have met you, gotten to know your soul through your writings and photos. You have inspired me to be more open in mine, to share more of my soul, too.

    Lots of love and smooches!

  8. Très émouvante photo! BRAVO... pour ces deux ans!!!...
    Ginnie, tu es une inspiration pour nous, qui n'avons pas encore de blog....

  9. I can't wait till I'm a grandma- well, provided the boys are of a decent age (30) ha!
    Have a safe trip to Hannover. I just updated myself on Hart and Soul. Love the horses peeing. I never would have noticed had you not said it.

  10. http://dine.racoma.com.ph

    am glad i unearthed your site. your pictures are soooo impressive, am inspired to post mine, too. congrats, and more years for In Soul.

  11. Happy Blog Birthday!! I enjoyed reading your first couple of posts! A lot of thought-provoking material there!

  12. Happy Birthday, In Soul! I hope you will keep blogging longer than me!

  13. Mad: We're definitely two peas in a pod and I feel like I'm a better person through our blogging friendship. So glad if I've inspired you in any way to be more open because you have a beautiful soul, Mad!

    RD: [Babel Fish: "Very moving photo! CHEER... for these two years!!!... Ginnie, you are an inspiration for us, who do not have a blog yet...."]

    You are such a sweetheart, RD! And with all those around you blogging, do you have any interest in having your own blog?? You know that there would be lots of help and support, of course. In the meantime, however, we can be thankful for YOUR support of us! I am!!!

    Susan D: HA! As the bumper sticker says, I would have been a g'ma first if I had known it would be so fun! :)

    Thanks for checking out my photoblog. That means a lot.

    SM: What a nice surprise to meet you, Dine, and to see that you're celebrating your 27th wedding anniversary! And 7 kids! Wow. Congratulations!

    Dennis: You are such The Man! Thank you so much for your loving support and for joining the Journey with me. YOU are an inspiration to ME!

    RRD: Thanks, Stacey. :)

    Mei: HA. Since blogging is definitely one of those things that keeps me going and is truly inspiring, I'm guessing y'all will have to put up with me for awhile longer. :)

  14. Two years. That's an outstanding age for a blogger. Happy Jubilee.
    You are really older than me. I'm only nearly 5 months. I'm a baby-blogger. bah-bah - I want sweets...

    I go visit your photo-blog.

    (Mine is now at Fotothing).

    Zee you around

  15. You are so funny, Tor. I think as a blogger, however, you are growing much faster than I am. :)

    BTW, did I see somewhere along the way that you also were born in 1945? If so, we need to figure out exactly how close we really are in age. :)

  16. Happy 2nd bday! I know mines up soon, but I'd have to look!

    Yes it's great that you post on the photo blog too. I've got so much and at times, replying just wears me out.

    But I love the blogs because I know I wouldn't have met such amazing people. P also loves that I have done this too. :)


  17. Thanks, ET. And to think I met you because of my blog and yours! Just like with Christina. And you've met her as well. Talk about Round Robin! :)

  18. Yes, it's true that 2 years is a long time for a blogger, maybe middle age?? Congratulations to you for this milestone. You've done an astonishing job so consistently, bringing themes and photos and love together for us to meditate upon. You're always inspiring. It's a privilege to be a regular visitor.

  19. BTW, I never would have noticed, except for that photo of you and Nicholas (which is so wonderful, as Amy noted), how similar your hair color is/was. I think his has darkened in these two years.

  20. Happy, happy anniversary all the way from Norway! I really have enjoyed your last year (as we 'met' almost one year ago in Oslo!) and are looking forward to the years to come - In Soul:-)

  21. Ruth("squared"): Thanks for your kind words, Sister. You know that I admire your own work and am constantly inspired by YOU. We make a good MAS!

    Nicholas' hair really bleaches up in the summer time, as does mine. I, too, noticed the similarity. :)

    Renny: Absolutely! One day you and Diane, Tor and Anna, and Donica and I will all get together. I feel it in my bones. :)

  22. What a wonderful blog you have! Such great pictures...you must have skill and a good camera! It is so interesting to see what other blogs are doing. I can only keep up with 3 blogs/week. It takes me so long to visit and comment on all that I want to. Thanks for your nice comments on my song.

  23. A VERY belated Happy 2nd Blog-Birthday!! A fantastic blog that enriches the net and all that read it :)

    I have had an abscess and a root canal since I last responded. Painful, although not as painful as I imagined an abscess would be...but boy did I look strange with a lopsided balloon-face :)

  24. MOI: Thank you, Ruth, for stopping by to comment. I definitely know how hard it is to keep up with 2 blogs, so I can only imagine how hard it is with 3. You obviously can do only so much and have to set your boundaries.

    I was very delighted to find you and your song through Tor. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated that beautiful piece of creativity!

    DW: Thank you, dear friend, for the birthday wishes. You're never too late!

    I grimaced when I read about your abscess and root canal. I've never had either but I would have imagined the worst myself. I hope you are totally out of pain now and on the mend!

  25. Yeah, a EVEN MORE BE-LATED Happy 2nd Birthday, In Soul!

  26. You're a sweetheart, James. Thanks a million!


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  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...