Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Most of you know by now that Michigan did NOT win the Rose Bowl game yesterday. Boo-hoo-hoo! Dennis' Trojans, I'm afraid, took away the prize, 32 to 18. Sigh. Oh well. So be it.

After all that pit-in-my-stomach on the very first day of this new year, I had to "release" it and NOT let it affect the joy and expectation of yet another year before us. HAPPY NEW YEAR again and again. We have several days to say it, I'm sure, while it's all so very new.

In the meantime, we had a lovely reunion at the family cottage in Michigan, with a total of 29 present at the big meal on Saturday. Thanks to all of you who wished us well! It was a splendid time for the 5 of us in my family group represented. And Mr. Dennis was well-received, as we all expected!

Now I have lots of blogrolling to do, to catch on YOU! And that I will do, trust me. :)


  1. last night when I heard the result, I figured that is exactly what you would say....

    Yup catching up. ;-)

    Happy new year...

  2. I'll have to admit that I had no idea that the Rose Bowl was even on! Oops. :-) But I'm glad to hear that you're not going to let the bad news spoil your fun.

    29 people! The mind boggles! Can't wait to see you in person and hear all about it.

  3. Well, we don't have that sport in Norway, so I'm indifferent:-)

    29 present sounds big, yea, and great. Glad to hear it was a lovely reunion!

  4. ET: As the hours pass by, the game gets further away, thank God! :)

    Happy New Year to you as well!

    Christina: A week from today we'll both be in Hannover. It'll be here before we know it!

    Renny: HA. You're lucky, I think, about not having football. Anyway, it was indeed a lovely reunion in Michigan. 29 is not as big as we get in the summer time when we had 43 on a given day last year, as I recall. We're all up for the challenge. :)

  5. And of course - Happy New Year to all of you!

  6. I'm glad to hear that you had a lovely reunion. That sounds like a reasonably well attended get-together :) You have such a large family, out of curiosity, if all attended how many people would that be?

    And I'm sorry your team didn't win :(

  7. Christina: Yes, Yes. So soon in 2007 I may see you!! :)

    DW: Of the blood line with spouses, there would be 59 of us. If you add a few others (like Amy's Dennis, because they're not yet married), it would be in the mid-60s. That's a big family! In July, we can get as many as 40 on a given day. Easier travel weather!

    Thanks for your condolences on the Michigan loss. :(

  8. You're being very gracious, Dennis, in your win, just as I'd expect from you. I hope you're right about next year. Building up all the excitement is such fun, so in that regard, it's a win-win situation. Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...