Friday, January 12, 2007

The Big Brown Machine

HA! What can Brown do for YOU?!

When I walked out of our Hannover apartment a couple days ago, this UPS truck was stopped across the street. I had to laugh and then get out my pocket camera. The UPS headquarters is in Atlanta, just as is Coca Cola's. And they're both everywhere!

Worldwide Services
We Synchronize the World of Trade

Today Christina and I meet up again at the hauptbahnhof (train station) in City Center. This is a "tradition" we both look forward to every time I come back to Hannover. We've been having blustery winds and rain the last two days and hopefully won't have to swim! If we have to stay inside, we'll find a cozy place and chat our heads off.

To all of us everywhere, TGIF.


  1. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with Christina and I hope that the weather will get better. We had quite harsh winds last night, but it seems to have calmed down today.

    Have fun!

  2. We DID have a fabulous 6 hours together, CS, and without a drop of rain! A Miracle! We had our prerequisite latte macchiato (plus 2 scoops of gelato for me), followed by some nice walking around in gray, windy weather (with me taking photos), a bit of shopping for her new niece, then lunch at our favorite Thai-Asian place with lots more talking, and finally another little walk before going our separate ways.

    We're two birds of a feather! :)

  3. Yea, the world is getting smaller and smaller - we have ups in Norway too.

    The weather is strange this winter and I've heard there is a strong storm in mid part of Europe so I guess you have found a cozy place and had a hilarious good time with Christina:-)

  4. What a slogan. It's unlimited. And it's made in Atlanta ;-))

    I do think the main thing 4 U, is to talk, not to walk. Guess you both have a great time.

    Wish you the best for the rest of Wochenende.

    Ups (sic), the visual verification image did not show up first time (but I allways copy before posting.

  5. Renny: I'm laughing right now because all the commenters thus far are from Europe! HaHa. Ho-hum, UPS!

    So they're calling this a storm! The wind continues to whip around this morning (next day) but no rain. This would seem like tornado weather in the States.

    Tor: You and Renny are like brothers who've come right after the other to comment. Awww. :)

    Thanks for your weekend wishes. And BTW, I always copy my comments because they often get lost to that proverbial Black Hole out in the Universe!

  6. Lovely to see you again, as always, Ginnie! And thank goodness the weather help up for us. I really enjoyed our time together.

    The storm was actually classified as Hurrican Franz and did a LOT of damage to other parts of Germany and neighbouring countries, but Hannover wasn't affected too badly, as we know.

  7. yes taht is rather funny but cool! And your meet up took place on my bday. Any pics of the trip?

  8. Christina: Yes, after all that rain, I was very glad the weather allowed us to walk around a bit. I did NOT know the storm had been classified as Hurricane Franz, so thanks for that tidbit. I'm sorry for those who were adversely affected.

    Yesterday (Sunday) was gloriously sunny in the afternoon, wasn't it!

    ET: Happy birthday again! I did take pics, though not many and perhaps not good enough for showing. Oh yes--there was one I'll probably show of a hydraullic truck totally off the ground while the guys were working on the extension tower. More on that later. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...