Thursday, February 18, 2016

A meet-Up with Ayush in Venlo, NL

This post has been languishing in the wings since 7 November of last year and comes out now in anticipation of another meet-up with Ayush 3 weeks from now.

And who is Ayush, you ask!

Ayush Basu is a fellow Shutterchancer from India, living in Singapore.  He posts at AYUSH.
Do you remember that Astrid and I first met as photo-bloggers at Shutterchance?
Astrid posts at Picturit.  I post at Hart & Soul.

When we found out that Ayush works in Singapore for OCÉ, a Dutch Canon printing company,
and that he often comes to the Netherlands to lend his expertise,
we made the arrangements to hook up with him where he stays, in Venlo, 135 km SE of us.

We met Ayush at the train station, where we also parked our car.
As you see, we arrived at 11 a.m. and left shortly after 3:30 p.m.

And because 11 a.m. is definitely koffie-break time, we stopped at the city hall
in city center to chat and get to know each other better.

In fact, that's when he graciously gave this wee interview,
just because I wanted our Shutterchance friends to hear everything straight from the horse's mouth.
He has also met Ray from Thailand, whom also we met last year in England.
Let's just say we all get around!

Once we got all that settled, we started walking around city center.
This is when I realize how many statues are everywhere, all over this country!
But have you ever seen one that is loaded with already-chewed gum???

At one point we walked to the harbor on the Maas river.
Venlo is near the German border in the province of Limburg.

Astrid calls this "subsidized art."   You see it everywhere here in the Netherlands.

But as you already know, there is art in one form or another everywhere you look.

See what I mean?!

Walking back into city center from the harbor, I asked if we could see the church I had seen.
Of course, there was more "art" to see along the way.

And yes, the church was open.
St. Martin's Church was first built in 760, rebuilt in 1410 and then in 1610, the current church.

Backwards and forwards in the prerequisite shots!

Then...lots of impressions.
Can you tell that this is a Roman Catholic church?

The artwork in these churches always blows my mind.
I did not grow up with it in Dad's Baptist church!

But THIS is what actually speaks to me...a soulful alcove/niche that seems set aside.

On that note, we found a delightful Thai café and enjoyed good food and drink.
"Please enjoy Chang beer responsibly."  And we did.

Even in early November the street lights were on for the holiday season approaching.
It was a good way to end the day, walking back to our car...
and saying Good-Bye to a new friend.

Ayush is a genuine, conscientious, kind and attentive gentleman!

We made him promise to tell us when he'd be back in the Netherlands
so that we could return the hospitality favor here in Gorinchem where we live.
And THAT is now.  He's here for a month and plans to visit us on March 12-13,
God willing and the creek don't rise.

Stay tuned....


  1. So many friends, which multiplies the fun. And now to meet up again, well that says something, doesn't it!

    1. It says everything, Ruth! When you meet up and find you really do like someone, even more after meeting them, it confirms everything you believe in! :)

  2. It was great to meet Ayush. Being part of the Shutterchance community, made that we met a lot of people from allover the world. It enriched my/our life. Venlo is such a beautiful city, so many great things to see and also we bought the Kielbasa... (Polish sausage for the soup)...
    It will be great to host Ayush in our guestroom and show him where we live. To be continued.....
    Beautiful post and I love the detailed pictures. IHVJ

    1. I'm thrilled that we now get to receive him here into our own backyard. He'll love it, I know. Thank you for being my Partner in Crime! :)

  3. Oh wonderful!! That will be a fun reunion!

  4. Anotger beautiful adventure. You two have such fun travelling around it seems. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Marie. There is always so much to see around where we live...and so little time, as we often say! :)

  5. What a great meet-up....gracious hosts that you are. I love all the unusual statues except the gum one. I think that is a bit too much!

    1. In the 10+ years of blogging on my two blogs, Donna, I have met over 50 people. I remember only two, maybe 3, that did NOT meet expectations! Everyone else MORE than met what I thought they'd be. If I ever get to meet you, I KNOW you’ll be one of the “more than.” It's such a great world out there, virtually AND in reality! :)

  6. Ayush has a kind sweetness about him, just like the comments he leaves on my blog... wish i was there with you guys... well, waiting in the restaurant for you guys to come back from your adventures lol... drinking beer irresponsibly lol...
    i LOVED that video of the lambs!!!! soooo sweet, it's no wonder Jesus wanted to come as a Lamb.

    1. We had another good day with Ayush today in Utrecht...6 hours with him. He's such a gentle man! And yes, the lambs from the next year, when he came to Gorinchem...are so sweet, indeed.


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