Saturday, February 27, 2016

Castle Het Nijenhuis in Heino, NL

If I told you this is a post whose images have languished in my archives since 29 June 2014, would you believe me?  Let's just say I never found my Round Tuit!  HA!

But, yes, we started using our annual Museum Cards on any and every museum we could find, just because.  And this one was a doozy.

This is Castle Het Nijenhuis, located between Wijhe and Heino, 138 km NE of us.

It's one of those castles with a moat, around and in which you can walk.
Throughout the course of the day, we did just that.

First, we turned left at the entrance and entered the gardens.
What a great time of the year to visit!

You know by now that the Dutch love their statues and art sculptures.
Sometimes the wackier the better?

Of course, I was most interested in Mother Nature's "sculptures."

Turning right from the gardens (we're moving clockwise around the castle),
we found two fun interactive displays.  This one gives you pause, as you see.

And to the right of it, we had fun playing together with this monstrosity.
Who thinks these things up?

When we passed this bower, I wondered where the bridge led,
but it wasn't where our path around the castle took us.  Hmmm.

Instead, we followed behind the castle through the woods...with art still everywhere.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...."  HA!  I couldn't resist.

By now we were ready to cross the moat to the eastern side of the castle where,
yes, more sculptures/artwork were to be seen.

At this point, we're really talking crazy and wacky...and H U G E.
(Look at the size of those women top-center!)

The piece I loved the most was this "conglomeration" in miniature.
Look at all the detail.  I'm sure there's a link about it somewhere (Astrid???).

Other artwork around the castle was a bit more austere.

But as we rounded the corner back to the entrance, it was wacky again.
Still, gotta love the color!

By then, we were ready to walk inside, ready for...whatever.
The "whatever" was an exhibition of "subsidized art" midst the castle furnishings.

Can you imagine someone doing this in your home?

Of course, your own valued pieces are still on display.

But...then there's that wacky piece again, almost like a desecration?
Or maybe more like a laugh?!  If you can't take a joke?

Back outside, at the moat, Mother Nature calmed me down.... did a bit of respite from the castles café.

As some of you know, Astrid and I aren't real museum people, but with our annual cards,
we are getting our education in places we might not otherwise see.
When you get to throw in a castle, why not!


  1. Wow! Almost too much to take in! I especially enjoyed the huge sphere with your reflections. It is always nice when there's an interactive piece on display. You always make every adventure look like such fun!

    1. Thank you, Marie. There was so much to see at this castle it was hard to not love it, even the wacky pieces!

  2. WOW! Definitely why not! The timing was spot on with all that luscious GREEN! Not to mention all that wonderful art. Gosh...just amazing!

    1. Sometimes we go back and remember things at the right time, don't we. Hmmm. I guess we need to trust that more often.

  3. I LOVE the bower and the secret bridge...the whole place is kind of nutty-magical, as though Alice in Wonderland might have played on the giant red chair. It would make an interesting exploration to know what makes the Dutch create such wild sculpture--I would guess that the love of color is one thing, and perhaps the glorious freedom that comes with living in such a nation of peace.

    1. I just read your comment to Astrid, who says that art is a "non-negotiable" subject in school while you're growing up (like how I remember it in America years ago?). Everyone has to take the classes, promoted by the government. Maybe it's in their genes? She says it's an interesting observation! So, you've clearly hit on something here, Susan!

  4. Wish my picture would show up on your blog when I do a comment....that !!! always takes me by surprise!

    1. There's probably a reason, Susan, but I have no clue what it might be. So sorry. :(

  5. There are so many things/places to see in NL. I'm starting to mentally plan to put it in my future travel plans.

    1. You won't be disappointed, Maria! And when you do, please let us know so that we can meet you!

  6. That castle took me by surprise... I am glad that going inside was 'free'. As you know I don't have too much with subsidized art when it looks like a brain-fart..... we had fun though and the gardens were amazing, the sculptures something else and the castle a beauty and also, from what we could see, the furniture well kept. Lunch afterwords is always a treat and we.. I still smile about that day, it was fun. Thank you for all the pictures. It almost was too impressive to take it all in. IHVJ.

    1. As I was going through all the photos, it amazed me how I remembered everything from over 1.5 years ago. WOW! That tells you how impressive it really was...even if we had a good laugh over a lot of it! :) We're so very fortunate.....

  7. Really incredible. I think I would have been overwhelmed by all the art! I just would not be able to take it all in. But the two of you are always up for it, and I appreciate you sharing these photos so I can enjoy it all here. :)

    By the way, that red bed reminded me of something that is happening at the Chicago Art Institute right now. Along with Airbnb, they have created rooms copied from Van Gogh's painted bedrooms, and people are renting them one night at a time! What a concept!

    1. 1.5 years later, Ruth, it amazes me that I remember everything that I have looked at again here! How is that possible? I guess our brains really DO take it all in.

      A German friend of ours has told us about what you've just mentioned about Van Gogh's painted bedrooms. The things people think up...and the things people will pay to be part of the "experience!"

  8. I’m very glad I saved this until I had time to enjoy it. It’s one of your best. What a wonderful, crazy place! Yes, laughs stuck in to make sure we don’t take ourselves too seriously. The pomp of those old castles is best when tickled, I think.

    What a book of places you could compile! One of the joys of being in New England is lots of little history museums and house museums, but they are about the much more work-a-day American experience. I have a friend who has made it his business to know every one of them. You are doing the same for your region, and you need to let others follow your trail.

    1. I'm glad you could see the fun in this place, Ted. Astrid and I often say "Leave it to the Dutch." They do seem to understand humor in all the best ways possible. HA!

      I guess my blog is the legacy I'm creating to document my life and all the things we see. I call it my job...because it does take time. I don't want to take all these photos and have them languish in files never to be seen again. So thank you for the encouragement!


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