Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tecklenburg, Germany, with Philine and Mechtild

So, finally, we come to the end of all the posts from the end-of-November and early-December trips to Koblenz, Germany (3 days), and  then to Vasse, NL (four days)!  I knew I'd eventually get here but didn't know when.  HA!

It was during our Vasse trip that we took a day to drive the 85 km to Tecklenburg in the North Rhine-Westphalia area of Germany, on the western side of the country.  

You may recall that we have had several delightful visits with Münster friends, Philine and Mechtild, over the last years.  Once we realized how close we were to their neck of the woods, while in Vasse, it was a no-brainer to figure out a visit.  Philine has always wanted us to see the quaint town of Tecklenburg.  So the trip was scheduled.

You know how the journey for us is always an important part of our destination.

We already knew that Tecklenburg was a town of half-timbered buildings...and hills.
From our parking spot, we immediately saw the church tower, hallmarking the town's center.

As we entered the center, it was a sight for sore eyes.

And because we had an hour to "waste," before meeting up with Philine and Mechtild,
we headed straight to the tourist center to get our bearings.
We were there on a Tuesday, between two weekends of the Christmas Market.

We didn't have to walk far to get a feel for the town and it's hilly levels.

Remember that this was the second week of December, so Christmas was everywhere.
Have you ever seen so much mistletoe in one spot?
Or how about a witches' path?

Impressions everywhere.

Then Philine and Mechtild showed up and, because it was time for lunch,
we immediately went to the Three Kings hotel where Philine had already reserved a table.

It doesn't get better than that:  good God, good friends, good food.

Even lots of photo-op goodies inside the hotel.

Back outside, we continued "looking and seeing"....

...being good tourists that we all are!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Astrid and I still had another hour or so to kill before heading back to Vasse for dinner,
so the 4 of us took the short drive to the nearby Haus Marck, 2.5 km away.

It's a 12th century castle/mansion that is still a family home.
A young fella inside the courtyard graciously allowed us to peek.

Then we walked alongside the moat towards the back of the property...

and enjoyed the view as the sun was setting.

What a way to end our day with friends who have become dear to us!
Thank you, Philine and Mechtild.  We should do this more often 
(as daughter Amy loved to say).

And what a way to end these two trips, one week after the other, from last year, 2015!
Now it's this year, 2016, already February...and miles to go before we sleep.


  1. What a great trip. I love the way you focus on the details as well as the grander scale. The houses were beautiful. That old estate, incredible. We live in a house that is barely eight years old. I can only imagine what that place is like. Lovely as usual!

    1. Thank you, Marie. To see estates that are this old still blow my mind, coming from America. I never get tired of seeing them!

  2. I agree with Marie, the details are brought forward everywhere you go, and I've learned so much along the way.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I try to see the big picture and the details everywhere we go, which is one reason why I can never do all these posts with only a handful of images (sigh).

  3. This was a great trip and it shows in the pictures. Such great pictures again. The things we saw and of course meeting up with our dear friends. Always a delight to see them and spend time with. Looking back on 2015, we did a lot and we saw some real treasures and had many great trips. It always amazes me what quality time we can put in a day.... a lot.... Thank you for the memory to keep. IHVJ.

    1. You're so welcome, of course, MLMA. We continue to have so much fun on our photo hunts, which pleases me to no end. I pray we can continue doing them the rest of our lives!

  4. It is amazing what you all have seen and experienced during 2015! Keep looking...keep seeing and please keep sharing!

    1. You know me, Robin...I keep pinching myself, all the time! And you KNOW that I will keep sharing. If I don't, it'll all end up in a fuzzy Black Hole somewhere. :)

  5. What a pleasure to walk with you both again through the picturesque Tecklenburg, and I have to say you have capturd in a wonderful ways the lovely sides of this 'Bergstädtchen' and Haus Marck. Mechtild and me really enjoyed our togetherness, and I recall that we often laughed and that we could speak about every theme, serious, thoughtful ones and funny ones - and it is so wonderful to be witness of your happyiness and great harmony as married couple! Thank you very much for this visit and the lovely collage of this meeting, yes, we should do this more often!

    1. These are the pegs on which we hang our year, Philine. So many happy memories shared with you! Next time we'll make sure you come back here, once your new hip can handle it. There are so many things to see, as you know!

  6. NL may be small but it's chockfull of interesting small towns and an absolute photographers' paradise.

    1. Tecklenburg is in Germany, of course, but look at how close it is to the Netherlands! That's also what we love so much about living here!!!

  7. I'm almost afraid to go to Europe because it won't be as beautiful as it is through your eyes, Ginnie.

    1. OMG, Susan. You're crazy. It'll be BETTER than anything you've seen here!!! (But thank you, nonetheless, for the compliment!)

  8. So your February post, which I am reading delinquently in March, carries me back to November and preparations for Christmas. This is dizzying. Now what’s the story with that vehicle. We have nothing like that here - perhaps an amusement park ride for the tourists? In any case, it sounds like a good trip.

    1. I know, Ted! I'm just glad I got it all finished before next Christmas. HA! I think the guy told us what the car is but I've forgotten. I'll have to ask Astrid. But what a little cutie, right?! I think he uses it to drive to school, as I recall.


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