Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Hailey Fix at 2 Months

It was 2 weeks ago this coming Saturday when we last saw wee little Hailey, which means she's now 10 weeks old.  I keep saying it but it feels like she's so much older.  Soon we'll be talking only in months and years!

But this post is about when she had just turned 2 months old on 10 November.  We both needed a Hailey Fix.  And because Mama and Papa knew she'd have her first baby shots the next week, they had us come over almost immediately.

This was not a babysitting time.  This was a Hailey Fix!

When we arrived, Eva was holding Hailey, who seemed lathargic...ready to fall asleep.

So when Astrid took her over, it wasn't a surprise Hailey immediately konked out.
It was important to me that I got photos of Astrid with Hailey this time,
which were sadly missing our last time.

Opa Jaap was there, too!

Astrid and Jaap raised Jeroen, father of this child.

Then it was my turn.

THIS is a Hailey Fix!
What is it about wee babies!

Even when they cry, of course.
[BTW, Jaap and I have a great relationship. We love and respect each other.]

This visit we noticed how strong Hailey's neck muscles are.
My hand was always there to "catch" her but she surprised me.

We couldn't ask for better parents for our granddaughter.  Seriously.

Jeroen, especially, as the father, couldn't possibly be more involved/connected/attentive.

In fact, he's the one who always changes her diaper while we're there together.
It's also play time for him and Hailey, when he twirls her around on the table
(you'd have to see it!).

Proud parents.  Proud grandparents.

Three generations.

This is exactly as it should be.
Can you ever possibly love a baby too much, especially one who had such a rough start?!

At one point Mama and Papa were hugging each other and I said:
"The best gift you can give Hailey is to love each other."
To which Papa immediately responded,
"That's not ever gonna be a problem!"

Nighty-night, sweet baby.
You gave us exactly the fix we needed.

Speaking of which,
to all my American family and friends.


  1. Such a warm, loving post in every way! Thank you for sharing Hailey with us! Adorable!

    1. You're most welcome, Marie, of course. She is better than adorable, isn't she!

  2. It seems to me that it is longer than 10 weeks ago that Hailey is born. Wonderful pictures, they show the love we have for Hailey. It is great to keep up with her in this blog and see her growing up and have all the memories too. IHVJ.

    1. I used to do this with g'son Nicholas, of course, but now that he's in university, I don't get the updates that much anymore. It'll be fun to start all over again with Hailey! :)

  3. maybe time slows down when you have a baby in your life :) i just LOVE all these pictures... i was looking at her and suddenly i was able to smell that baby smell... what a weird hallucination!!

    keep the Hailey pictures coming!! we will be watching her grow!

    1. There really IS something about babies, Elaine, I know. Once we start babysitting her every other Tuesday when Mama goes back to work in December, it'll be easy to keep a monthly update going. That's the plan.

  4. Replies
    1. You know all about babies, Ted, but when they grow up (like Aiden), you forget how precious they are at such a young age!

  5. No greater value than for Hailey to be surrounded by this loving family. If only every child could be loved like this!

    1. Oh, very true. It almost breaks my heart to think of all those who are never loved like this!

  6. Pure sweetness. How fortunate to have such a fabulous, loving family!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...