Thursday, November 29, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: November 2018

OK, OK.  I know November isn't yet off the calendar, but close enough for me to make this Thursday post...especially since all the weekends ARE off the calendar.

So, here goes.

These are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for November 2018:

November 4 (photo manipulation):
"Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning;
for I still live, as I pass to and fro through the mouths of men."
--Quintus Ennius (239BC - 169BC, considered to be the father of Latin literature)

[Yesterday was the day of SIL Peggy's Memorial Service in Michigan.]

November 11 (photo manipulation):
"When chill November's surly blast Made fields and forests bare...."
--Robert Burns(1759-1796)

November 18 (photo manipulation):
"Now in November nearer comes the sun down the abandoned heaven."
--D.H. Lawrence

"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar."
--D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

November 25 (photo manipulation):
"Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words."
--Titus Maccius Plautus, Roman playwright, 254BC - 184BC


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for November 2018:

(finished on 23 October, posted on FB 3 November 2018)
There's still lots of color left in early November, right?
You can find it if you look for it, even on a gray day.
Happy November, everyone!
(from my 12 x 12 Mandala Kleurboek)

(finished on 28 October, posted on FB 10 November 2018)
Sometimes you go into the mysterious depths and just let the currents take you.
That's what I was feeling when I finished this just prior to our trip to Michigan
for SIL Peggy's Memorial Service on 3 November.
(from my Color Me Happy book)

(finished on 11 November, posted on FB 17 November 2018)
Believe it or not, I actually thought of a snowflake while I colored this 6 x 6 Mini-Mandala,
not knowing many of my American family and friends would receive SNOW this past week!
You can blame it on me????

(finished on 21 November, posted on FB 24 November 2018)
Growing up in my preacher-dad's Baptist church, we often sang
"Bringing in the sheaves, 
Bringing in the sheaves; 
We shall come rejoicing, 
bringing in the sheaves," 
which I thought about while coloring this design.
It seemed appropriate for Thanksgiving weekend.

This ends 3 years of posting my watercolor and coloring designs every weekend on Facebook!
As I have mentioned before, I will now post them sporadically, when the whim hits me,
assuming granddaughter Hailey will take up more of my time going forward.
Thank you to all who have followed me faithfully here.


  1. i will miss your watercolours!! i love them... tho you are moving on to something worthy lol cute little Hailey!!

    1. Actually, the watercolors will be easy to continue, Elaine, so you may see them again, frequently. :)

  2. A beautiful close to your regular posts, but yes you can do them again whenever you want!

    Seeing Hailey grow will be such a delightful treat!

    1. You can always teach an old dog new tricks, Ruth, and that's what it's all about right now...even though it will be easy to continue my watercolors, which I may, in fact, do! :) Thanks.

  3. I love that second one, the windmill, Ginnie.

    1. Thank you, Marie. I always love the ones visitors pick out. :)

  4. 3 years of pure joy to watch you create these watercolours and colourings. To everything comes an end and now it is time for something else. I love what you did and I know you always will keep colouring for that is within you and very soulful for you. I love that you made these "In Soul" posts to have record of it all. IHVJ.

    1. And you have been my biggest fan, Astrid! Thank you for following this journey with me...which, as you already know, will continue. I'm almost finished with my next coloring. :)

  5. Oh my gosh..."mysterious depths" pulled me right in! I've so enjoyed these postings over the past few years. But spending more time with little Hailey sounds just fine too!

    1. Thanks, Robin. I actually posted another watercolor today, so that part of the weekend is still alive and well. HA! Making the watercolors doesn't take that much time, in comparison to the coloring!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...