Thursday, November 01, 2018

Watercolor Sunday and Saturday's Color: October 2018

As we speak, Astrid and I are in America again, staying with Don and Ruth in Michigan...exactly as we did back in May!  Back then, not a one of us could have possibly known we'd be back again so soon.  So it is with the Rainbow Bridge:  it comes when it comes and we adjust accordingly.

In the meantime, Life goes on....

These are my Watercolor Sunday posts on Facebook for October 2018:

October 7 (photo manipulation):
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
--L.M. Montomery, Anne of Green Gables

October 14 (photo manipulation):
"What I would be quite wise to remember is that 'pieces' are not the end of what was,
but the beginning of what is to be."
--Craig D. Lounsbrough

In honor of all those everywhere affected by "disasters" of whatever kind.
[Hurricane Michael had just hit Florida's panhandle.]

October 21 (photo manipulation):
"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop."
--Lewis Carroll
[following SIL Peggy's death on October 17]

October 28 (photo manipulation):
"You say witch like it's a bad thing...."
"If the broom fits, fly it."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Saturday's Color posts on Facebook for October 2018:

(finished on 29 September, posted on FB 6 October 2018)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to son Mark Tiffan who is the master of detail and nuance,
plus all kinds of mathematical observation.
How wonderful that THIS year we get to celebrate your big day here in the Netherlands!
This design is from my Techellations book, finished the day before you arrived on the 30th.
Looking forward to another great day.

(finished on 11 October, posted on FB 13 October 2018)
Can you read into this Circles of Life midst the undulating waters
that would otherwise wreak havoc?
(from my Kaleido Color book on black-background paper)

(finished on 14 October, posted on FB 20 October 2018)
It's so strange to see this 12 x 12 Mandala now, using only 3 colors I had so much fun using
(the black was part of the design).
It feels like one of those dreams fulled with suffocating debris
from which one can't escape.  I suppose that's the power of myriad, conflicting emotions?!

(finished on 10 October, posted on FB 27 October 2018)
This has candy corn for Halloween written all over it, right?
Oh, and masks, too.  I see masquerade masks.  BOO!
(from my Mini-Mandala book)

Speaking of Halloween, yesterday...that's when we arrived in Michigan!
SIL Peggy's memorial service is Saturday.
We return home this next Wednesday, 7 October, the day after Midterm Elections!
(Yes, I voted...and hope you do/did, too!)


  1. Hold one another close at this time, Ginnie, though it sounds like you do that already. Take care.

    1. We are learning, Marie, with every year just how important we really are to each other.

  2. your water colours are beatiful, bitter sweet... sending prayers!

  3. The color posts are phenomenal, Boots. Absolutely gorgeous!

    It is SO WONDERFUL to have you and Astrid here, in spite of the sad circumstances.

    1. So sweet of you, Ruth. Thank you. We will always hold these times together dear to our hearts!

  4. Beautiful as always...but the witch gets my vote, ha! (Along with the candy corn! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...