Thursday, November 07, 2019

America Trip 2019: Maine

So, yes, we were there and back again!  Home safe-n-sound...after a week first in Maine, then in the Atlanta area (including the annual cabin trip with my kids to the North Georgia mountains), followed by a few days with Bob and Peggy south of Atlanta.

Let's start with Maine, showing what we posted on Facebook to give a smattering of what we experienced.

Believe it or not, our vacation always starts once we're at the airport in Amsterdam, after security!
Astrid runs off to get us a latte macchiato, after which we catch up on the internet while waiting.
I saved this Happy Color for exactly that moment on FB that Tuesday, 15 October.

Wednesday, 16 October:  Bar Harbor

We hadn't planned to go to Bar Harbor with Don and Ruth our first full day,
but since it was forecast to be the best day of the week weather-wise, we just did it!
I had been there years ago in my past life, but this time was different...and special.

Walking along the harbor path was a treat for all of us.
[Astrid's collage]

After eating in town (pop. ca. 5K), we drove to nearby Acadia National Park
and climbed to the top of Cadillac Mountain, one of Maine's top tourist attractions.

These are the photos sister Ruth took that day, which I made into my own collage.

Thursday, 17 October: Belfast Rail Trail 

Before the outside day started for the rest of us, Astrid took a walk into Searsport from the house
and captured these great images...ones I never saw with my own eyes.

While she was walking, I went around the house to capture nooks and crannies I fell in love with.
Ruth and Don find treasures wherever they live and decorate so deliciously with them!
I wanted to see everything carefully, my first time in their new house/home.

That afternoon brother Nelson, who lives 20 min. from Don and Ruth, joined us for a
get-together walk on the Belfast Rail Trail, 2.3 miles along the Passagassawaukeag River.
What a fun word, pronounced pas-uh-gas-uh-WAH-keg!

This is Astrid's collage of the day.

Back at Don and Ruth's for supper, Nelson brought salmon to saute
and Don and Ruth together made an apple pie.
Talk about us feeling spoiled!

Friday, 18 October:  Belfast Harbor Walk

First, here's Astrid's walk that morning into Searsport town.

Though Don and Ruth live in Searsport, they adore nearby Belfast more, 8 miles away.
Part of the reason is because of Belfast's shipyard and harbor walk on Penobscot Bay.

It was a delightful walk along the water in this autumn season.
[Astrid's collage]

Saturday, 19 October:  Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Great Pond Mountain

Both Nelson and Ruth moved to Maine from Michigan this year, 4 months apart, and 16 miles away.
This was Nelson's day...his chance to take us where HE wanted to go.
He had us meet him at the Penobscot Narrows Bridge, which we now call the Nelson Bridge,
because from it you can look across to where he lives in Bucksport (top-center).
The observatory at the top of the bridge, BTW, is the first bridge observation tower in the US
and the tallest public bridge observatory in the world (center).

After a careful walk-through of Nelson's own new home and surroundings,
we ate lunch at one of Bucksport's eateries.
[a Ruth photo]

From lunch we drove to the nearby Great Pond Mountain that Nelson can see from his home.
Its 2.3 mile trail, reaching 1,029 ft (314 m), is ideal for a good workout,
which Nelson has done several times now.

Look how Astrid captured us three sibs (and Don, of course)!
Nelson is the oldest of the 8 kids, I'm #3, Ruth is the youngest...a 14-year spread.

That day Astrid used the panoramic option on her new camera to get these 3 panos!
The top is of Bucksport (Nelson's town) from the Penobscot Narrows Bridge,
while the other two are from on top on the mountain.

Sunday, 20 October:  A Movie and Lobster Rolls

This was our very easy and relaxing day!
After lunch we three girls drove to Belfast's Colonial Theater from 1912, where we saw "Judy"
 (about Judy Garland and definitely worth an Oscar for Renée Zellweger).
Don stayed at home to watch football.

Once back home, we picked Don up and drove back to Belfast to fetch us some lobsters! 
Don and Ruth have learned how to make lobster rolls as good as any restaurant serves in Maine,
at probably less than half the price. And we were the lucky ones to eat them.
Maine is the Lobster State, you know!

Monday, 21 October:  Moose Trail  

From Astrid's morning walk, she captured what happened during a half-hour power break.
Apparently one of the poles snapped but was then quickly fixed .

This was our last full day and one last walk with Nelson to nearby Moose Trail.

You can see how glorious the weather was.
[Astrid's collage]

Earlier in the day and later that evening, we learned a new game, Sequence, and loved it!

The next day was our leaving day, flying to Atlanta from the Portland airport.  As we know by now "all good things must come to an end," at least for this year.  But since we've already decided we'll make this a habit every year possible, parting was not as sorrowful as it would have been otherwise.

We really do want to make this a habit!


  1. Pictures don't lie. And these show how much we love to be with Don and Ruth. What a place be and to live in. We were thrilled to be with Nelson on "his" bridge... what a view. We often pinch our self asking "how did we get so lucky"...and to make this trip into an habit. I think I can live with that. Great post to show what can be done in a week on a very easy pace. Thank you Don and Ruth for being our hosts, a true vacation.......

    1. So very true, Astrid. We saw so much and yet it was a very easy, relaxed week. Thank you, indeed, Don and Ruth! And Nelson!

  2. It’s too bad you didn’t have any fun or great food. Lol. You look so happy!

    1. HAHAHA! I know, Marie. Too bad! :) We look happy because we were/ARE happy. Indeed.

  3. you promised pics and you sure delivered!! but i think there was a certain sort of pic that you haven't delivered for my eyes to see, yet...
    that license plate made me laugh lol
    and it looks like Astrid is having fun with her new cam@

    1. I think I know what pics you mean, Elaine, and I'll have to send them to you later, once I get to them. HA! Astrid is THRILLED with her new of the reasons why she went on walks every morning! :)

  4. Of course I love everything about this post. :D It tickles me to see how you felt it all, knowing we love having you here and vacationing with you. Of course it will be a tradition (God willing and the creek don't rise), and one that we will celebrate with gusto. We already have ideas for next year ... Seeing your and Astrid's photos is just delightful. Makes me see our new place even better. Love you both so much.

    Now I am very curious about what pics Elaine is speaking of?? :D

    1. I'm so glad you feel about this as we do, Ruth...wanting it to happen every year. Seriously. This left such a great taste in our mouths! Elaine is talking about the pics I took of Nelson's inside apartment project, which I have not shown anyone yet. I'll eventually get around to sending them to her. HA!

  5. I like all the photos/collages – y’all look so happy. It is a beautiful area and must have photo ops at every turn. I also enjoyed your indoor pics – quite lovely. So happy for you to have family in a new state – new places to explore.

    1. How wonderful to see you here again, Vagabonde. I trust all is well with you. Thank you for stopping by.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...