Thursday, October 14, 2021

Hats Hats Hats and More Hats (cont'd)

Almost 3 months after the last mutsjes/little hats' post from July 23, here's the new batch from both of us!  

First, from Astrid:

A reminder that Astrid makes all her own designs "on the fly,"
using solid-colored yarn that she mixes and matches.

The bottom-left hat uses a sparkly red yarn that makes it very Christmassy,
so she's in the process of making several more-or-less the same.

My mutsjes since July 23, basically in the order in which I made them:

This yarn came from our knitting club's communal stash.

It's hard to believe that these hats are all from the same self-striping sock yarn
(from Dries and Ineke's socks)!

More self-striping yarn from our communal stash.  I like the colors together.

Again, from the communal stash, giving me fresh excitement.

Back to my own sock yarn.

More from the communal stash.  As you see, I'm going back-n-forth.
It energizes me to use new yarn designs I haven't seen before.

Here's another of MY sock yarns, all from the same skein.
Talk about wake-up socks before the mutsjes were even made!

Communal stash!

I should have thought of this before, to add the pair of socks to the matching mutsjes!
From the socks I made for my Big Sis in England.

Two mutsjes from a pair of socks for moi...but why only TWO?  Ah, yes...
Astrid used my yarn last year, with my permission, before I knew I'd be knitting my own mutsjes.

From socks for Astrid.

Communal stash.

From socks for BIL, Don.

From one of my favorite socks for moi!

Hmmm.  From the communal stash, I think.
They all start to run together for me!

These next 2 collages are from a communal skein no one else wanted.

That skein (top-right) yielded 17 mutsjes!  It was a hey-day for me.
I love the little flecks of snow.

From another favorite pair of socks for moi.

From socks for daughter Amy.

From another favorite pair of socks for moi.

Last but not least, a loner from communal scrap.
Nothing is going to waste, if I can help it.

I'm in the midst of knitting another batch from my own yarn, but that will be shown later, a couple months from now.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

In the meantime, Astrid and I fly to Atlanta next Thursday for our first trip back since 2019.  GOD WILLING AND THE CREEK DON'T RISE!  I add that because the hoops we've gone through have been harrowing and stressful for us both...ending next Tuesday with an Internationally-Approved COVID test that needs to be negative before we're allowed to check in.  

Astrid says the minute our test comes back negative, allowing our travel agent to check us in on Wednesday evening, with boarding passes, she'll finally be able to relax and believe the trip will, indeed, happen.  I agree.  The best news is that we're taking non-stop flights both there and back!


  1. You did a great job with posting these "mutsjes", Ginnie and what a bummer it was that "overnight" Blogger decided to change templates without notifying you upfront. I wonder why they keep changing things while it works well for you and everybody else. I am so glad you are able to work it out, even having to "fine-tune" it. Good luck. IHVJ.

    1. It wasn't how I was expecting to spend my evening last night, Astrid, and I still have more bugs to get out. Talk about a huge shock I didn't know was coming!!! (sigh) Oh well. I guess we're never too old to figure out how to change???

    2. BTW, I still can't delete the beginning of this same post following on this page. I have no idea what's causing it to be there! Another thing to work on....

  2. Al die gebreide hoedjes zijn geweldig, de ene is nog mooier dan de ander en met die sokken erbij is het nog leuker om te zien waar ze vanadaan komen ;-0
    Fijn weekend en nog 5 dg tot....

    1. Hartstikke bedankt, Marjolein. I don't know why I didn't think of showing the socks related to the mutsjes before but it does help, doesn't it! Only 6 more days! We're in countdown.

  3. These are just the cutest! You both are the most creative people!!

    Just wanted to say that I totally understand how stressful it is with these covid tests and flying. We both wondered if it was all worth the stress, but once you’re at your destination it really kinda resolves itself! We fretted so much over those tests. Returning I thought…oh, what if I have a false negative and being “stuck” in a horrifically HIGH PRICED hotel with bare essentials to pass away time. So fingers CROSSED!!!

    So I wanted to wish you both good flights and travel and time with your loved ones!

    1. Bless you, dear Robin, on both counts. We're thinking it'll be similar to going through the birth of our children. Once we're there, we'll totally "forget" about all the labor pains!

  4. I agree, super yummy!

    And I love the new look of your blog!

    1. Thank you, dear, Ruth. Remind me to talk about this in our FT tomorrow! I will probably need help with Mark on the html things I need tweaked.

  5. You're both so talented. Have a great time stateside. I know it will be fine, test-wise, and Fantastic to see everyone! Looking forward to the posts. Did you bring hats to mail to friends in the US? - asking for a 'friend.'

    1. Thank you for your good wishes, Susan, which I did see while in America but have waited to respond to here on my laptop. And yes, with each pair of socks I mailed to family and friends, I included a matching mutsje! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...