Wednesday, August 10, 2005


So, changing the subject (from cancer, last post!), I am amazed at how life goes on! LIFE! The death-birth-death-birth cycle just IS. Death is. Life is. And depending on what the moment is, it's either or both. Sometimes at the same time.

After publishing my earlier post, I decided to see if friend Ted Roth had added any new photos to his website. I don't check every day; in fact, I hadn't checked in awhile. My loss because he had a "Butterfly's Breakfast" album from almost 2 weeks ago that has blown me away.

This is just amazing! We know that flowers self and cross-pollinate with the natural winds of time. But their pollen/seed is also propagated by the insects that make love to them. Have you ever seen such sensual (okay, sexual!) pictures as these?! Of butterflies and flowers, I mean. I told him that he has to get his photos out there, either as a set of note cards or prints or stock photos where other people can ooh-n-aah over his handiwork and where he can make some money for his efforts. He is retired, like I am, but doesn't think of his photos as a business in front of his very eyes! I can think of a thousand ways I would market his photos if they were mine. Oh my! (And yes, I try to encourage him to do so himself.)

In the course of writing this post, I just got another photo from Ted that's not in his album. He said, "You really should see me standing hip deep in the midst of densely packed milkweed and clover with everything around me undulating with bees, butterflies and other tinies. It is the closest I've come to being in heaven."

I, for one, can say it doesn't get much better than this. See why he inspires me!

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...