Friday, August 26, 2005

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday: Day 8 of painting, this time the downstairs powder room in BOLD BRICK. The actual painting was only 4 hours but there was lots of prep work and cleaning-up around the house.

Today: Day 9 in Amy's master bath (separate commode room). 6 1/2 hours of HOPSACK. What in Sam's scratch is hopsack, I asked Amy! No clue. The dictionary says it's "a rough-surfaced loosely woven clothing fabric." And when I googled it, it was not color-specific. So all you need to know is that it is darker than her LATTE bedroom. Think milk chocolate! Which definitely goes with LATTE...and the kitchen BAGUETTE. And come to think of it, why not WHOLE WHEAT as well! Heck, I'll even eat milk chocolate with BOLD BRICK and STORM CLOUD!

I love these Sherwin-Williams colors. So rich and tantalizing!

Tomorrow: The movers come! Even Donica is taking the day off to help. I'll take Nicholas to daycare at 7a (from where he then goes to Kindergarten!) and proceed over to the townhouse to get things ready for the furniture. Nicholas will be with his dad and step-mom over the weekend and will miss the big truck (too bad), but he'll sleep in his new home Sunday night! And I'll take plenty of photos to show him what happened.

God willing and the creek don't rise!

1 comment:

  1. What a whirlwind you all have had, and how GREAT that you get to be there when the furniture moves in to your freshly painted rooms!!! I know you'll take photos. I can't wait to see them, and eventually to see Amy's place in person.

    I love hearing about these colors! We're going to paint the porch this weekend, and soon the guest bedroom (hopefully before Farm Day). You're an inspiration.



Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...