Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Saturday was the free organ concert and Sunday was the free musical Maschsee Lake Festival behind the Rathaus (= Town Hall). It started the Wednesday just after we arrived and will be gone just after we leave, so it was important to us to go. The problem is that it's been rainy and quite cool lately (62°F). The cool part is okay but mixed with rain can be tricky. For the Hannoverians, however, they just go prepared!

The first thing we did when we arrived around 1:30p was eat lunch. I told Donica I wanted a picture of me eating my pile of spare ribs because I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. Just perfect, the way I like them--lean and dry, with no sauce! Donica's heaven (she doesn't like spare ribs and ate a bratwurst) was being able to read off-n-on all afternoon, in sun or shade, while I was nearby taking photos.

All the while, in the background, was a jazz band (Trio Coppo - Lantin's Groove) with a lead flautist who, at one point, started weaving his way throughout the crowd without missing a beat. I was snapping away on my camera and had no clue he would eventually end up, literally, right in front of my face! What you see is exactly what I got! Up close and personal. How fun.

And then there was a puppet show which, because it was in German (of course), was more fun for taking pictures of the kids watching. I wished I understood what they heard because they sure were interactive with the puppeteer.

If you look at my album, you'll see that I have a thing for bikes! It's just that they come in all sizes for the youngest to the oldest. And everybody rides them! It's one of the things I just love about Hannover/Europe. The bike paths are actually on the sidewalks, so you have to pay attention to where you walk. Hmmm. Maybe one of these trips I'll buy a used clunker for me.

Around 6p we headed back to the apartment after a full afternoon in the outdoor air, never once having to crack our umbrellas, though it did rain while we ate and were on the tourist boat. I asked Donica if this had been a restful weekend for her, in spite of going off and doing something each day. YES YES YES. How could it not be. Even doing things, we couldn't get much lazier! Just what the doctor ordered for her, I do believe.

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...