Friday, August 19, 2005

Tour de Lance

Most of us know by now that Lance Armstrong won his 7th and last Tour de France recently (7/25 post) and is now retired. Retired from tour cycling, that is, but definitely not retired! He and his Lance Armstrong Foundation are in tireless pursuit of a cure for cancer. Talk about a race! In fact, he hopes to be more of an activist for the cause, like Irish rock star and antipoverty activist Bono of U2.

Last Sunday, Armstrong said the United States, which is embroiled in a costly war in Iraq, should focus more effort on a war facing many Americans -- the one against cancer--which he says we're losing right now. Since 2001, the US government has spent $300 billion fighting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In contrast, the National Cancer Institute received $4.8 billion in fiscal 2005, and although it requested more for 2006, its funding is expected to be unchanged.

What's wrong with this picture?! What would happen if we spent $300 billion on cancer research. Maybe we'd win at least one of the wars????
[Yesterday was Day 4 of painting: 5 1/2 hours of CAMELBACK (think caramel) in Amy's kitchen and one wall extending into her dining room. I've neglected to tell you that when I say "painting," I'm not counting prep/cleaning time, so add another 2+ hours every day!]


  1. . . . and the painter is doing an amazing job!!!! Thanks, Mom, for EVERYTHING! I can't think of anyone I would trust more with this very time-consuming and tedious job. I know you love it, but I still appreciate you and the time you're putting into it!

  2. No, Smartie! I have to really watch this because if I scroll with my mouse wheel, it'll often change the date when I'm not looking. Anyway, thanks for the heads-up. I've just corrected it. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...