Friday, March 28, 2014

Dutch Sheep in Ottoland: Part 2

When I told you (last post) that our two Saturdays a week apart at the Ottoland, NL, sheepfold were as different from night and day, I meant it. This time, we were two of only a handful of visitors.  Everyone had come the weekend before.

So in that regard, we looked at everything with new eyes.  And this time it even occurred to me to take videos with my camera!

Before going into the sheepfold, I snuck around back to look in through the open door.
There was good light and the week-old lambs were eating off the hay bales.

And Astrid was already there, capitalizing on the photo op.
(and, yes, that's the famous Dutch wind I love!)

There were lambs cuddling....

...and lambs nuzzling their mamas...

 ...and lambs wandering around while everyone else was eating.+

Even lambs jumping around for joy...just to be alive.
Hello, World.  Here I am!

A different Billy Goat Gruff from the previous week was on top of a bale, King of the Mountain.

What a handsome dude!

But THIS is what totally captivated me!
Every time I looked for 30+ minutes, they stood munching and staring at each other,
while little lambsy-divey watched from below.
Was it spring love???

No amount of distraction distracted them!

We really did have the place to ourselves.
Sheep heaven.

Towards the end, the shepherd came in and talked with Astrid.
Do you remember him from here, when he brought his flock to Gorinchem in September of 2011?
All that time we kept saying we'd go out to his sheepfold, which we finally did.

As we left for our car, guess who followed us!
It's not all work and no play for these smart, adorable sheepdogs...or for Astrid, either!

Next door to the sheepfold, other sheep were out in the fields, doing what all sheep do.
Come April, all the lambsy-diveys will be out there with them.
This is what spring is all about for sheep in the Netherlands!

And did I mention that the Dutch do NOT mainly grow their sheep for lambchops?  Or I should put it this way...sheep slaughtered for meat is exported, which explains why I rarely find it on menus when we go out to eat! They grow their sheep for WOOL, which is in bountiful supply here in Dutchland.  I can live with that.

 Sister Ruth's new grandbaby gitl, Olive Rose, was born this past Monday.
As a sweet tribute to her and to all lambsy-diveys everywhere, especially those who need holding,
here's my own Ollie lamb:  I love you!


  1. Ahhh - like daffodils, rain showers and timid sunshine, these little ones are harbingers of spring! What fun.

    1. Thank you, dear Barb, for stopping by and commenting here. I love the sheep here in Dutchland. I never tire of them!

  2. Oh my favorite was the dancing lambs! How I loved to watch them romp through the fields in the Spring.

    1. Starting next week, Carolyn, we expect to see the lambs outside in the fields. I can hardly wait!

  3. Of course I have been so focused on my own family project that I let the previous installment of the sheep go by without looking, and I had to go back and find that and read it through before reading installment 2. That shepherd is quite a photogenic guy and the shot in the sheepfold with the fence as a leading line is quite nice. You should engage him in pictures again. The first batch was quite a mad scramble, but you caught some great shots of the kids (human).

    Your sheep are a good deal more used to strangers than at the farm where I've photographed. They all run to the opposite side of the pen as soon as I enter, and then they scramble as far from me as possible as I move. Of course when I'm outside the pen they are all curiosity.

    Why no lamb meat on menus? To me, no meat is better than roast leg of lamb with mint jelly.

    The weather here has been awful for photography, and the few ops have found me engaged in indoor activities. The photo scrapbook I have been making has been an overwhelming project, but now it is done and off to have a proof printed to see if I need to make changes.

    1. I know you have been terribly busy, Ted, and am glad you have finally finished your book. YAY. Will we be able to see an online copy of it???

      I have had nothing but great experiences with sheep here in Dutchland. They always mosey on over from the fields to see what's happening. They have quite the life, from what I can tell.

      I was so looking forward to leg of lamb when I found out I was moving here, or even mutton stew. But you're better able to get it in England than here, sad to say. It's been one of my biggest disappointments, to be honest. It may be my only disappointment, actually. Everything else more than makes up for it. :)

  4. I remember visiting a sheep farm in Ireland...fascinating place and wonderful experience.

    1. Sheep farms are just wonderful, Donna, aren't they. I can hardly wait to go back and see the lambsy-diveys out in the fields, frolicking around. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...