Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring in the Garden

Every once in awhile we drive the 5km to nearby Arkel to have koffie with our dear friends, Siem and Thelma.  If we can sit outside in nice weather, it's like heaven for me because they have such a huge yard, full of goodies.

Let's just say I have wandering eyes and can't sit still!

 But first, we had iets lekkers (something good) with our koffie.
And another friend, Wil, came by to visit a bit and drop off her tennis rackets with Astrid for stringing.
(surely you remember that multi-talented Astrid also strings rackets)

Then I was on my own personal mission to take pictures of every different flower I could find!

 Since this is Holland, let's start with the tulips...almost all of which were red.

I know daffodils and forsythia but after awhile I had no clue what I was looking at.
I just know that I enjoyed what I saw, even if it grows on trees!

Hmmmm.  Which images should I group together??
I just went for broke!

Don't you love how Mother Nature makes her color combinations!

And if it weren't for the butterflies and bees, where would we all be!

Speaking of "we," Thelma was putting on her own show for Astrid.
She's her own special flower!  What a fabulous addition to the garden. 

And since you surely remember Astrid's "garden" on our balcony..., too, is growing up a storm.  Build it and they will come!



  1. Happy Spring indeed. It is always a treat to go to Siem en Thelma. I already know them for over 29 years and I played tennis with both Wil and Thelma. Warm memories.
    Their garden is a delight, always full of flowers. A joy to the eye and a photographers heaven.
    The colours are fabulous, you did a great job with these collages.
    Dank je wel MLS.

    1. It is always a huge treat when we go to visit them, MLMA. It really is a heaven on earth there in their yard. Thank you for your confidence in my collages!

  2. What a spring indeed. Fabulous colors and blooms for the pollinators and humans...I did not know that Astrid's talents were also in stringing rackets!!!

    1. I knew you of all people would enjoy this splash of color right now, Donna. So thanks for stopping by. And if you really want to know how talented Ms. Astrid is, check this out:

  3. My goodness what beautiful garden she has. Happy spring. Happy baseball season to us here.

    1. Beautiful gardens AND baseball! You can hardly go wrong, Maria. I'll be rooting for the Braves, of course. :)

  4. Happy Spring … The tulip petals are fascinating. I'll never forget a trip we made to Holland, MI - happened to be in full bloom and so many colors (and even shapes) The wind mill delighted me too. Wanted to drop in and say hello - with mini vacations and kids and putting our house on the market (again - for 3 months only, though) I've been swamped. I'll be back to see what you've been up to. ;)

    1. Bless you, dear lady! I never forget about you, of course, but always wonder how you manage everything! That you still come by here to visit when you can is beyond me. I know you'll let us know when your house sells.... I'm sending my best wishes your way!

  5. How full of spring you are, and we are drenched like a mop. Last night left us with a crystal coating of hard snow that has spent the day dripping. I have been looking for weather to get off and prowl the streets of Waterbury, and no such luck. Thank you for sharing a bit of yours.

    1. One of the reasons I have shared all this color is for those of you who have had a horrendous and STUCK winter, Ted. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of what is to come. We never got a winter at all, which is probably why spring came so early here. It makes me wonder what our summer will be like???

  6. Your photos are wonderful! I am so envious that it is finally spring in your area. I still cannot use T-shirts here. Enjoy , enjoy and enjoy! Your summer will be fantastic.

    1. Thank you, Al. I used to say that Autumn was my favorite season but it's easy to see Spring taking it's place...or at least giving it a run for the money. :)

  7. Oh, how my eyes needed this beauty ... in the garden, on the balcony and around Thelma's face, so pretty.

    1. I can just imagine how hungry you must be for all of this, Susan. It's coming!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...