Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This Do in Remembrance of Me

Remember when we were at the Collegiate Church of St. Boniface in Freckenhorst, Germany?
This image, which comes from there, is my jump-off to my post at Vision and Verb today.

"For every Sunday I can remember before going off to university, I sat on the front row of my preacher dad’s church tracing with my mind’s eye the Old English letters on the Holy Communion table in front of the pulpit :

I’m guessing everyone here knows not only WHO said that but WHEN and WHERE, no matter what religious background.  Eucharist words."

And thus begins a post that ends up going somewhere else, like how we name our children after those who passed on before us...because we're remembering them!

All this the day before the vernal equinox....and how spring determines when Easter will be...
all the way back to Vision and Verb.


  1. my little church growing up we had a similar table with the same words. Boy, talking about bringing back memories! Off to V&V!

  2. I have to admit as a 'Mennonite', I never heard those words.
    I thought is was Roman Catholic.
    Love the picture, wonder what happened with the floor....

    1. OMG. That really surprises me, MLMA. I would have thought the Mennonites celebrated Holy Communion. WOW.

  3. In my world all the births are in April - my best buddy from childhood, Apr. 19; Jane's birth, Apr. 16; my mother's birth, Apr. 10. No signs of spring here yet.

    1. That is so intriguing, Ted...and almost impossible. Well, then. April is a special month!

      The good news for you is that spring WILL come. I can guarantee it!

  4. this image is close to my heart, as i am a member of my church's altar guild and therefore am responsible for dressing the altar for church service and holy eucharist.

    1. WOW, Maria. I had no clue. Thank you for sharing that! I'll always think of you when I see such a "dressing."

  5. Those words hold special meaning in my life as each Sunday we renew our covenants to always remember Him. Then during the week, we seek to keep our covenant in our words and in our deeds. A lovely reminder Ginnie. I also enjoyed your Verbs and Vision. Sending you an email soon!

    1. These rituals are so important for us...very similar to our traditions that hold us together. Thanks you for reading at V&V. That means a lot to me.

  6. This is a perfect post on the season of Lent. A reminder for all of us :)

    1. Thank you very much, Al, for stopping by and commenting here. And yes, this is a reminder for us all of what time of the year this is!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...