Thursday, March 06, 2014

Münsterland Castles

That weekend when we drove to Münster, Germany, back on February 7th, was the opening night of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.  Two weeks of that and then the Oscars....and you can see that a lot of water has gone under the bridge!

This is my 4th and last post of that trip, appropriately ending up with two castles as the crowning glory, so to speak.

But first, as we drove to castle #1, 'M' had us stop at this wee precious church....

It's the catholic Parish of St. Johannes der Täufer in Venne, from 1249.
After the Crusades, this church was built especially for those with contagious diseases, like leprousy.
And thus it's called the Leper's Church.

What a special and cozy space for worship!
Our hearts were warmed knowing about it's history. 
Even today you can take a a rolled prayer/scripture verse for your journey (center image).

 And on a sunny Sunday, it made such a great start to our day.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Then we were on our way to the first castle of the day:  Schloss Nordkirchen.

 Look at her from a distance, surrounded by a great moat.
It was built in 1703 as one of the residences of the Prince-Bishops of Münster.
Today it's a state-run college specializing in the training of future tax inspectors.
Can you imagine being a student there?!

Coming or going, look at all that pomp and circumstance!

Nothing was open to go into but the clock and sundial were enough....

...before driving around to the back side!
'M' stopped for us to see the bowing trees.  How did THAT happen?  Namaste.

And again, on such a sunny day, it was our next good start to the day.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

But it was the second and last castle of the day that took our breath away, less than half an hour away...and where we spent our time:  Burg Vischering from 1271.  Philine knows us well!

 With the castle in the background, we passed this wee chapel on our way in.

It's the most typical and one of the largest moated castles in Münsterland, according to Wiki.
It didn't take long for it to become our favorite thus far, even after our river cruise a year ago.

What is it about castles, especially for those of us from America??

Is it that they're like fairy tales to us?

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.
See what I mean?!

You can actually cross the moat bridge....

...and enter the castle courtyard, just to see what yesteryear looked like.  
Our imaginations were able to run wild there.

Back across the moat, the baker was in his shoppe, doing his thing.

Did we buy anything????  Do bears poop in the woods???

See.  Even Philine knows a good onion roll when she sees one.  Mmmmm.
Btw, the café was in the former horse stables.  :)

Philine isn't the only one who knows how to fool around, of course.

It was a day for being short of eyes.

What is it about castles and archways and pillars and, and, and...

...roadside shrines, statues and weathervanes.
Oh, and don't forget the churches!


  1. Wonderful. All that brick and stone is what calls to me, in beautiful architecture and the promise of nooks and crannies (as well as grandness) inside. Beautiful collages, my dear!

    1. Thank you, Ruthie. I have seen more brick and stone in the last 4 years than in the rest of my life put together, I'm sure. I'm really in love with it!

  2. Before our daughter entered 11th grade and my English Literature class, we took both kids to England for 2 weeks. Emery was 8 years younger, and what he wanted most to see was a castle. It took us much of the trip to find one along our route, but it was a doozy with a fine secret stairway and passage for emergency escapes. Of course we'd already been to Hampton COurt, but he wouldn't consider that a castle.

    Terrific images, as always. I love those clocks.

    1. I think for Americans in particular, Ted, castles are just so romantic. I wonder if we have anything in America that the Europeans think is romantic in the same sort of way??? Hmmmm.

      And as always, thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  3. What is it about churches and castles. We grew up with them and castle make the mind work. All those stories about a Princes that needs to be saved by a knight on a white horse......
    Indeed the secret stairways, the crusades, the fights, the Medieval in general.
    To find a castle that beautiful is wonderful. We had a delightful time with M en Philine, they know all the right places.
    Thank you for making these wonderful collages and the memory to keep.

    1. You'll so welcome, MLMA, but thanks to you, too, for making our photo hunts so pleasurable. They wouldn't be the same without you. And many thanks to M and Philine. True sisters all the way!

  4. am in awe of these places you visit. without you i may not know these existed. i especially like the churches that you visit. but the castles are simply eye candy.

    1. I feel the same way about all your trips, Maria, as you know. It's a wonderful blogging world when we can share with each other like this. Thank you!

  5. I really like the collage with the castle in the center, with the water in the front. I also like the collage with Astrid and the iron man. I also like the collage with the baker. I also like, wait a minute …. I like all the collages! You really have some great ones.

    1. You're a sweetheart, Vagabonde. Thank you. That last castle is really the ceam of the crop! :)

  6. Short of eyes for sure!!! Love those bowing trees. Would've been there for hours! And that bakery...oh my. Great photos! More memories!

    1. This part of the world is such a sight for sore eyes, Robin. But then, I'm sure that's what it just felt like for you in Mexico. We're so lucky, aren't we! Many kind thanks...on the heels of just getting back, hardly in the saddle!

  7. Wow...I would be lost for days exploring these places...and I bet all that gluten laden food would not be a problem for me as the wheat in Europe isn't as contaminated as ours...besides I'd itch a few days just to try that bread and those pastries.

    1. Castles are like faiy tales for us girls especially, Donna, aren't they. HA! To see structures that old still blows my mind. I don't think I'll ever get used to it!

      I would love to think you could try any of these breads and not have a problem with them. Well, at least virtually! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...