Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Birthday Parties

Yes, that's right. Parties. We started at Amy's yesterday for the family party and then later in the afternoon ended up at Jumpin' (now Monkey) Joe's for the added soccer friends.

There was a theme here, if you can mix-n-match the big heroes--Power Rangers, Spiderman, Batman--most of which had to be assembled. That's what the family is for, of course.

At Monkey Joe's, it was all about serious climbing, falling, jumping, sliding, pushing, colliding, and sweating up a storm. One and a half hours of it! We the parents/g'parents laughed and got exhausted watching. "They'll sure sleep well tonight!" was a constant refrain.

And then we all ended up with a sugar-high. So cute. Five-year-olds are five-year-olds, basically all the same, it was quite clear. Except for the one that always stands out in our eyes: Nicholas Joseph Grannan. For the photo album, click here.

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...