Wednesday, July 27, 2005

An MR Case In Point

Yes, we're both here safe-n-sound in Hannover, Germany, again, but not without a great Mercury Retrograde (MR) story!

Many of you know that MR not only potentially confuses communication of all kinds (computers especially, so make sure you SAVE SAVE SAVE) but travel as well. I half-expected our internet service to be down when we arrived yesterday but, no, it was my travel that was affected instead.

Because Donica flies business class through work and I fly coach, mostly through her frequent-flyer miles, we often fly on different planes both coming and going. I left at 2p on Monday from Atlanta to NY to Paris to Hannover, arriving here at the apartment at 8p Tuesday (2p EST, so 24 hours later). Yesterday.

Everything was just fine until we were ready to leave from NYK. One passenger did not end up on the plane (who knows why?!), so all the baggage had to be searched TWICE until they found and unloaded what they were looking for, making us 2 hours late for take-off. We ended up only one hour late in Paris but many passengers missed their connecting flights and I missed Donica. She had flown in straight from Atlanta and her connecting flight to Hannover was an hour after my scheduled arrival, so the plan was that I would join her (on her coattails) in her Delta lounge for my 9-hour wait for my plane to Hannover. In missing her, I ended up like all the "normal" people in the airport--missing out on the free snacks, drinks, TV/news, newspapers, internet access and comfort of the business lounge.

The price we pay for airline safety! And the small price I paid for being able to come back again to this home-away-from-home! Instead of being grouchy about it all day, I actually had a knowing smile on my face. It was sooooooo Mercury Retrograde.

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...