Sunday, July 31, 2005

Kleines Fest im Grossen Garten

In contrast to our 3-month Germany stint this last Spring, we made the decision this time to stay in our own back yard and not travel hither, thither and yon. Didn't want to wear Donica out again! Our reward last night was A Little Festival in the Great Garden of Herrenhäuser Royal Gardens here in Hannover (see 4/21 post).

We stood in line for an hour, not knowing if we'd get 2 of the supposedly 200 remaining tickets. But we figured it was worth the try since this was the last weekend of the festival. I'm guessing everyone in line got tickets since they had to make up for lost revenue from several rained-out days. Besides of which, the Gardens are huge and had no problem holding all of us.

What a night of magic and fantasy from 7 - 11p! Everything from whimsy (the motorcycle sounded like one!)... comedy and acrobatics, often with help from the audience... lavish costumes, stunts and creative art (the man in the picture frame below beckoned to Donica from the crowd to give her this tiny daisy--click to enlarge--while I madly shot photos)... strolling acts from another world (the man, below left, gave me a love-poem in German and the lady gave me a dried rose)... the grand finale of ballet and fireworks.

My photo album fills in the cracks a bit more (nice for photo-taking that it doesn't really start getting dark here until 9:30 or 10p). Let's just say Hannover knows how to throw a party. We enjoyed every minute of it and definitely would not call it a kleines (little) fest. It was a darn-tootin' BIG party, if you ask us!


  1. Thanks for the recount of our evening through your pictures. Amazing always.

    I have been pondering how to describe the event.....and my only solution was to call it 'A Cirque du Soleil, performed in an extravagant baroque garden with the approach of a flamboyant, Renaissance Festival (food and drink tents with glass stemware and real flatware, stages for scheduled performances and walking attractions/entertainment to offer plesant intermissions along the way), concluded with an amazing fireworks display complemented by live classical music'.

    A lasting memory....

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself! I just wish now that I had put all that into the post myself...but I guess it was meant for you to add it as your own contribution. Thanks!

  3. Looks/sounds like another great memory! I continue to be so jealous of your worldly adventures. Thanks for bringing the rest of us along through your posts and comments!

  4. Your time is coming, Amy. Just you wait! If we love this stuff, how much more you as a Libra! Nor do I think you'll have to wait till you're 60! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...